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What has Womens Lib done for men

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The question came up in chat, so I thought I would put it out there
What has Womens Lib done for men?
Quote by user=alan-ball
What has Womens Lib done for men?

Cost us a small fortune having to finance the replacement of bras?
Why should it do anything for men?? It`s called Womens Lib for a reason....not mens lib.
Raven I find it hard to believe you do not think Womens Lib has done anything for men, have the issues raised by Women not made men question how they treat women, their relationships & their own role in the family/society? So what has womens lib done for men ... well it has made us open our eyes. I am sure men & women can think of other things (good & bad) that Womens Lib & the changes brought about by it, has done for men.
Real men didnt and dont need womens lib to know that women are equal and should be treated with the same respect they are shown.
Spot on, respect is the key! of the many things that are getting up my nose these days (I'm turning into a grumpy old man!) are the 'so-called' feminists who demand equality but also insist on the little 'extra' considerations due their gender. Yes, equality of the sexes is a natural must but equal should mean equal!
I object to so called feminists telling me that I have to be out working to have some sort of validation as a person.I always thought it was about options as in having some. Men and Women should be treated equally . We also have to remember that Men and Women are not the same. Although I do think we are raising a generation of Women who have no domestic abilities as they see it as beneath them. They cannot not look after themselves. The irony is that it the young men you have learned to take care of themselves and maybe thats what its done for Men. Yes it maybe argued that women don't need men anymore but lets face it girls its a lot less fun smile
Quote by user=1yummymummy4u
I object to so called feminists telling me that I have to be out working to have some sort of validation as a person.)

You are painting all feminists with one brush. Not all feminists think that way.
I can't even begin to address this thread. You could spend years talking about this topic with no "resolution." In the comments that have been left before mine topics regarding the first, second, and third wave of feminism have all been addressed (whether you realize it or not) as if they are the same thing... they are not.
Quote by user=alan-ball
What has Womens Lib done for men?

as the question is only about men & not feminism perhaps we can just discuss the changes (if any) for men.
Some things I can think of straight's given men a sense of their own independence. It's given us a new perspective, what I believe to be a healthy one, on life in general. It's allowed us to embrace our own previously considered exclusively feminine qualities. To speak from my own perspective.... I grew up in a family situation where for the longest time my father worked and my mother stayed home and minded my siblings and I as well as the household. A little later she went to work, facing the proverbial "glass ceiling", training up people for jobs that paid much higher that she wasn't "eligible" for. Mainly because she didn't attend college. Her parents didn't believe it was necessary for a girl to go to college. All the while still minding us and our home. Now my father, gods love him, was raised up to think the man was the head of the household, etc. Women were meant to be domestic slaves, and so forth. I witnessed this as well as my mother's anger with this. Although that is what she supposedly "signed on for" when getting married in the early sixties, I knew that something was just not right about the whole thing from an early age. My mom was what I would consider a feminist even though she probably wasn't aware of it herself. I've heard her say "yes dear" but I've also heard "fucking get it yourself". As I grew older, I became more aware of feminism, I guess one could say, as I met more and more women from outside of my inner circle. Long story short... I am able to say that I can survive on my own as a single man without starving to death or drowning in my own filth. I don't know if my father or his contemporaries could say the same. At the same time it's given me an appreciation of what women have been doing all along. In addition, it allows me to be in a relationship with a woman who is strong and independent and wise. To some this may be an aversion, even in this day and age, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've raised my son this way as well. I remember him saying to me when very young, "I don't like wimpy girls". My 3 year old daughter was recently in a costume shop and the attendant asked her if she was looking for a nurses uniform. She adamantly insisted on a doctor uniform. My point is that as parents, we are able to give this sense to our kids. And it gives me hope that the trend will steadily continue until the term "feminism" is something that is read about in schools as something that was once necessary in order for the growth of our society but is necessary no longer.
"You are painting all feminists with one brush. Not all feminists think that way" I said "so called" as I don't believe real feminists see being at home as some sort of second place prize instead of working outside the home. I still think that people get equal and the same mixed up. I think that feminism has pushed Independence on men in a way as they have had to fend for them selves. I see quite a few stay at home dads these days as many are out of mothers are still working and the roles are now reversed. Its ironic to see the unsaid hostility that some women have for these men as they are somehow less of a man for staying at home to mind the kids. Plus they don't have the same support network many of the mothers do. Equality works both ways or it doesn't work at all. I remember a long time ago my Mr brought my eldest down to the parent and toddler group. I was very sick and he took the day off to mind my eldest daughter. I asked him how it went "She had a ball, but I got treated like a . None would even talk to me, I knew I was not welcome if it wasn't pissing rain I would have taken her to the park."
Quote by user=1yummymummy4u
I said "so called" as I don't believe real feminists see being at home as some sort of second place prize instead of working outside the home.

Some very large generalizations being made I think. There are feminists that would agree with your outlook on life and others that wouldn't. I don't think you can classify some feminists as "real" and the others somehow less legitimate because of their thinking. Some feminists may find your lifestyle rewarding, etc. while others may disagree, but that doesn't mean one is "real" and the others aren't... if that makes any sense.
I can see why some stay at home moms (or dads for that matter) would become offended or hostile toward more radical feminists because of their views, but that doesn't mean they aren't authentic feminists... it just means that they are different feminists.
Just my two cents.
Although this deviates from Alan-Ball's original post, I am compelled to say that some forms of feminism have actually been a disservice to women. Certain factions that wish to paint women as victims and therefore expect some sort of reparations don't help in the struggle for true equality.
I'm not going to go into elaborate detail as this can be googled, but there is now a movement called masculism. So new a term, in fact, as I type this it shows up as a mis-spelled word. But in a nutshell it's a movement by men who feel they may need to claw back some of the rights they have lost due to feminism.
I agree eponymous. There are some forms of feminism that portray all women as victims, etc. It's a matter of opinion whether people see that as a positive or negative approach. There isn't just one type of feminism and I think as we discuss such issues, we need to remember that... so thanks for bringing that up. Masculinist studies which see men and women as intrinsically different are certainly on the rise. A good source on masculinist studies would be Robert Bly. Masculinist and masculinity studies are different smile Masculinity studies are pro-feminist :) and just as there are many types of feminisms, there are also many masculinities. I think it's impossible to discuss all the issues surrounding these areas in a thread to be honest. There are entire college courses and programs dedicated to these issues.
omg what heavy reading first thing in the morning well i love my life now i have reversed roles with clyde he stays at home and i go to school or collage i have the chance now to do it as when younger i did not have the chance i am more in con troll of my life now then when i was younger i loved been at home looking after my children and i would not change a thing but it has made clyde more aware what i did do when he was out working and i am the same we share every thing even cleaning the the house shopping you name it we share are equal partners and that is good for my children to see so that they share all with there partners and that nothing should be left to one person to do to answer you question alan its made men more aw-ear of there feelings and of others that it is ok for men to stay at home and take over from there wife or partner as long as there is respect for one another that is all that matters well sorry for the lenth of this but this is just my opion on the matter thanks bonny