To Me sexual Intelligence is the ability to entice the opposite sex with your thoughts, how you 'carry' yourself and the ability to entice, tease and please. I've always been one that was more into reading erotic literature, more so than getting my jollies from the pictures on a porn Mag or watching a Film. I think its developed my sexual intelligence.
God forbid if I ever get reduced to monosyllabic comments at the sight of a naked woman in the chat rooms.
Do you have a similar point of view?, or do you just let the 'hairy monkey' Inside loose and hope for the best?
Your comments please.
An excellent thread and one which I hope will recieve some thoughtful replys.
For me sexual intelligence comes with sexual development and in learning about oneself.
I make no excuses for been a late starter, thats just the way life has been for me, but in learning about myself, I have also believed that first step in enticing someone, is by first, been myself and having respect for the other person.
I do agree with you, it is about how you carry yourself both on and off site. As I have said in another thread, quite often the person you are on site, may not always be the same person in reality.
The other thing I have learned and I believe remains a constant with every meet......Life is a learning experience, and i just love learning about different ways to give pleasure....
A guy I got to know well from this site, once said to me, that a lot of people are very good at learning to play the 'attraction game' as he called it.
Perhaps the hairy monkeys are just a bit too slow to realise that you cna be a game player when you chat on site ect..
That said I have met many men and women who have a certain natural ability to attract people, but use it to enhance the meet ect rather than themselves.
For me sexual intelligence is about having an insight into my own sexual desires and needs and not been afraid to explore new things. This is something that comes with age and experience and having a good sense of ones self. It's also about the ability to connect with someone and having the confidence to attract the people I'm attracted to and then act out my desires with them.
Knowing what you want, when you want it and undertanding your partners wants wishes too. . .
or for me, working out when she doesnt have a headache so i get a shag...using your intelligence.....:welcome:
:laughabove:Teddy thinks you said it all, the only problem with that is i will shag even if i have a headache:doh::haha:
To me sexual intelligence is knowing your own body and been smart enough to know that not everyone will think your the best looking creature on this earth and never expect too much of another person. We are all human with flaws and no one is perfect and cant always be a stud or a whore in the bedroom
:lick:You know we will Long:lick: