army surplus winter issue combats( the heavy ones with d linin)
2 tshirts, and the linin outa me columbia jacket cos its feckin freezin out and me ould reebok classics
Black uniform....
Black socks...
Black shoes
Black Cardi
Lime Green silk knickers and bra....
and a durty grin
Lol very lucky guests they will be too col!!
i am in my bj's relaxing in front of the fire with a bottle of wine as the kids are in bed :beer:
oh, by the way.
I wearing bandages.
Show what's under the bandages wup...
U know u want to...
In jammies now.. All cosy.. Think I'll hit the bed..,
I will cum up ta see ya.. and kiss ya better...
Heading to bed shortly so just me Jocks...and a smile...
purple nightdress and black frilly knickers
Pj's, slipper sox, housecoat and a head full of snot, feeling shit:cry:...what a catch eh!!! :borg:
been outside again so here goes.... from the inside out...
Boxers, upper base layer, 2 pairs socks, polo shirt, fleese jumper, snickers trousers, work boots, coat, scarf, wolly beanie and gloves....
and im still cold ......
It might be cold outside too Sean, wrap up well.
white wife beater and pj's