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We have a zero tolerance policy on drugs

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We have a zero tolerance policy on drugs, any user found discussing drug substances will be banned from the site. The length can range from one week if minor, two weeks if normal, or permanent is severe. Things to look out for: - Viagra - Poppers - Weed/spliffs - Cocaine Immediately removal and a Ban is recommended,
drugs make your willy shrivel up n your sex drive dissapear remember just say NO!
yup, again mr. k. some site organisation. all i can say is well done. i support this all the way!!!!!!!!!
alcohol is the most widely abused drug in the country ,just an observation from twenty years work in addictions units ,we are teetotal by the way .but deffo ban use off drug terminology on site .
I agree with all of the above, but take a look at some of the photos in profiles etc. I've definitely seen lines of coke in some pics on this site. Keep up the good work., Van
Care to share some profile names,Vanman?? That way we can go in and remove those pics!
Brilliant Mr Kellie. Nice one, The other night while hosting I had a member boasting about his "use" but felt that I might have been considered as acting over the top to say anything or remove him from the room, so i just left it, but thanks for clearing this issue up. And sorry tussey's. Although alcahol is considered a drug, like it or not it is not an illegal substance. I fully endorce Mr Kellie on this issue, good work my friend
I fully support any anti-drugs campaign.
I say who needs drugs if they have a healthy way of life and a healthy outlook on life.
Certainly the day that I need Viagra or amyl nitrate will be the day that I give up sex.
.it does immense damage to people and society.
Why does alcohol always get away with poor excuses such as ‘but it is not illegal’?
Whilst I’m not a professed teetotaller, I don’t actually drink. (I don’t blow my mind on substances either).
I don’t need to use alcohol as an excuse to abuse people nor as an excuse to abuse society with alcohols ‘legal (sic) and justifiable’ excuses.
Where do we draw the line? a demonstrative joke about ‘having a Joint’ worse than someone quoting “…when I were ?
Do people on this site get written abuse by drunks in the chat-rooms?
I bet it does society excuse that so long as they are not on Pot then it’s just the ‘Lads having a laugh’?
Admin…keep up the work to protect the decent users of this site.
yes there is abuse at times relating to drink , however the mod team is there to handle this and deal with those responsible , weather right or wrong alcohol is not illegal , drugs are and the owners of this site are acting totally right in this case , swing4 can not allow or condone any illegal activity on the site .
People are confusing several very different issues here. First off we have drugs and /or situations that contravene the law regardless so obviously they cannot be such as underage drugs such as cocaine ,cannibis ,escorts are all illegal so even if it was somehow allowed on the site ,it couldnt be only that but anyone with knowledge of it is allowing the law to be broken too so in these situations the persons concerned should be kicked anyway. Then we have viagra etc which the mere mention of the word conjures up nightmares of is up to admins discretion and having modded on the site im aware of his stance on this and poppers sort of issue leads to spamming and eventually selling etc so its important to keep it under check too. Now there is a big difference between drinking and being drunk and people are confusing the own stance on this is that if a person is drunk to the extenct that they wouldnt be allowed into a public place such as a club etc then they shouldnt be allowed in chat (not neccessarily banned but removed from chat).Drinking is just drinking but being drunk is under total influence of drink IE under influence and if it shows in the persons typing or expression on while on the subject who is under more influence?One that is after taking two viagra or one that is after drinking 8 pints?Just an afterthought. Incidently abuse is abuse so it doesnt matter uf the person is drunk or should be warned and kicked for abuse if they continue with it regardless. All different scenarios, Westside.
Bravo Bravo Westside.... Thank u, and i agree with you, there is a difference in someone talking about popping to the pub for a couple, (beer's) lol, no pun intended, and drinking urself to oblivian everynight. But people should not be confused, We for one do not want the chatrooms that we run or use abused buy people promoting these things. I know there are people that have had there problems with these so called "social drugs" that have run into problems of addiction. And these people may have been encouraged by siblings or friends into starting the use of such things, but they will never and should never have there place in a chatroom
Quote by user=babychicks
Bravo Bravo Westside....
Thank u, and i agree with you, there is a difference in someone talking about popping to the pub for a couple, (beer's) lol, no pun intended, and drinking urself to oblivian everynight.
But people should not be confused, We for one do not want the chatrooms that we run or use abused buy people promoting these things.
I know there are people that have had there problems with these so called "social drugs" that have run into problems of addiction. And these people may have been encouraged by siblings or friends into starting the use of such things, but they will never and should never have there place in a chatroom

Hi Babychicks,
I know ppl (we all do) that could drink a pub dry and still function perfectly so i guess its down to the , id be lucky to control my bowel movement after ten,you know tying both shoes laces like a side note i have developed a huge drinking drinking over a gallon of 'll be calling me pisspot a side note ppl say if you want to loose weight drink lots of i gained 7ibs in the last few have being dehydrated off topic here.
Take it easy,
great debate , yes babychicks while alcohol is a socially excepted drug off abuse ,does that make it any less evil . than any other drug , and just a point viagra is a perfectly legal drug available on prescripion from gp,s .no where are we advocating any illegal subtance use ,just pointing to the fact that alcohol is the drug off choice for the vast majority because it it socially excepted to be drunk .
Quote by user=tussey
great debate , yes babychicks while alcohol is a socially excepted drug off abuse ,does that make it any less evil . than any other drug , and just a point viagra is a perfectly legal drug available on prescripion from gp,s .no where are we advocating any illegal subtance use ,just pointing to the fact that alcohol is the drug off choice for the vast majority because it it socially excepted to be drunk .

Any drug would be legal if available by the medical commuinity got a therapuetic use for tomcats piss it would be available by Viagra were allowed the whole site would become if drug jargon and talk of drug were allowed on chat it would just lead to no control and soon we'd have ppl talking about where we can get it or i know this guy or the site will become a dealing spot about anything some element of control is needed and the best way to do this is the way it has being said on this thread, a zero tolerance policy.
Incidently and just for the shits and giggles which would be quieter?An alcohol free chatroom or a new graveyard?Your right in what your saying but its down to how alcohol affects an individual and each individual is responsable for his/her own behaviour in chat and there are rules for those is abuse ,a broken rule is a broken rule whether someone is drunk or cant have a chat with no alcohol allowed because some couples or singles (a lot) i reckon would like to just sit down and have a drink ,relax and chat away.
That put me to sleep,
ohhhhhh just say NO drugs are bad
As Westie says in his 666 th post:
"Also if drug jargon and talk of drug were allowed on chat it would just lead to no control and soon we'd have ppl talking about where we can get it or i know this guy or the site will become a dealing spot easily."
That would be my main concern....we can't allow this to become a dealing site (whether in legal or illegal chemical substances).
Drug jargon is shite, uncool, and childish
I think that the site should not just pander to legislation or other laws of this country, but needs to make a moral stand on such 'substances'and the behaviour surrounding them. Being legal or illegal does not, in itself, make something OK or not OK.
I've seen too many friends either dead or stewed from LSD, Coke, vallium etc etc.
I've seen an equal number in the same boat from alcohol.
It is good to see that responses here are noting the difference between a bit of drink and something that gets out-of-hand.
As a side note, I've been part of the anti-drug campaign for nearly 30 years.
I no longer drink 'cause I wanna see life for what it is.
I am, however, smoking myself into an early grave (and 'donating' a large part of my 150-euro-a-week fag bill to the tax man who will, hopefully, plow the revenue into our health service).
jo (sober,and a devils-advocat but being rather serious in this thread)
seems to me that this is more about morality than legality from the tone of some peoples posts. just as a point of fact, just because a drug is available on prescription does not mean it's legal to take or posses it - if the drug is classed as a controlled substance (valiun, phenobarbitol, methadone, halcyon etc) this only applies if the drug has been prescribed for your use. not sure how viagra stands on that issue, but as it's designed to affect sexual performance i would have thought that discussions about its efficacy or otherwise would have been welcomed on here. As regards talking about illegal substances, surely we r all supposed to be adults on here, from observation i'd say a sizeable portion of the users of the site partake at least occasionally...and when something is part of ur life it's also part of ur vocabulary. As for calling for a moral stance from the owners of the site, don't forget that the vast majority of people consider what we do here to be highly immoral, more than they would someone smoking a joint, so that arguement really doesn't stand examination. morals are subjective, transient, and generally reinforce the power structure of the society - think about that for a moment, then consider that in the uk there were no illegal drugs until DERA (defence of the realm act) was introduced, and cannabis linctus was available over the counter in british pharmacies until the 1970's. For the record, yes i take drugs, yes i hold down a job (quite a responsible one as it goes), i've never stolen or mugged to get money for drugs, i am in fact ur typical user (as opposed to abuser). I have also seen quite a few lives ruined by drugs, but mostly they we legal and condoned by society...the number of casualties of illegal drugs is miniscule compared to the damage that has been done to society in general by the 2 most prevalent drugs....alcohol and tobacco (and yes babychicks, alcohol is a drug, if ur in any doubt i suggest you go look it up somewhere). the fact that society has allowed successive regimes to profit from the misery that these 2 substances have caused is a sad indictment of popular "morality". I'd be happy to discuss this issue in a dispassionate way with the "just say no"s out there, but they don't seem able to do that - it almost always degenerates into "ur wrong, I'm right" coz they don't usually have the relevant facts. I would be really pleased if someone out there could prove me wrong on that score. As a final word, if u removed from egistance all the works of art, books, films, and music that has been inspired by or created under the influence of (what are now) illegal drugs all our libraries, cd collections, art galleries cinemas and theatres would be an awful lot poorer for it. Andy many respects, I respect your reply on this. And agree with much of it.
And, I'm not being a hypocrite. I am a liberal though (yep…we exist in reality).
My reply or comments on this are not meant to be an attack on anyone, but I’m certainly brave enough to openly vent them and take whatever comes back (I wouldn’t vent controversial comments and expect not to have a counter-argument).
I may sound like a 'moral' goody-goody, but I'm not. I’m not on any moral high-ground either. And I’m certainly not of the ‘Just say No’ school of thought… doesn’t work anyway. I also don’t think that frenzied public out-cries work either.
I believe in the rights of the individual (with provisions) and the right to speak one's mind.
If someone wants to smoke pot then I don't put-them-down…........hopefully, it is their own free adult choice with a ‘sound-mind’; I would, however, see it a great pity for someone being pushed into taking drugs (and alcohol and cigarette for that matter).
If the site gets a reputation for being a source of dealing, then who knows where that will take us with the guardians of our laws (or peace).
Do we want that? No.
I had initially mentioned 'why is alcohol OK, but drugs ain’t?'
To me they do about the same amount of harm to society (alcohol probably more so!). It is just that one brings Mr Plod knocking on people’s doors.
Also, remember that it is illegal for me to smoke my beloved cigarettes in a pub with my brit-vic orange juice. The moral stance of society saw to that.
It would simply be so boring to start quoting statistics and facts (legal, medical, scientific) here. Stats, however, do not favour alcohol.
The action of drugs on the body was my specialisation (so could go to great lengths on the Medical/scientific aspects)…even though I no longer work in that area.
has always baffled me. We could even argue about the actual word ‘drug’….I think, however, that we all know what ‘drug’ is supposed to mean (ie not aspirin).
The provisions of legislation regarding 'prescribed' drugs and 'illegal' drugs is as Andy points out. That makes life quite complex.
You mention that we are all adults. Yep. Maybe.
Whilst I think that most people on this site are decent intelligent, and very nice, folk, there bound to be some odd-bods out there who are not quite of sound-mind. Many odd-bods think that Sex and abuse of people go hand-in-hand; we can’t encourage them to think that Sex, and Drugs and Abuse go hand-in-hand as well. Surely we see that in the Porn industry where a craving for coke is satisfied (opportunistically) by a bloke and a camera.
OK, that argument is wide open for attack.
Art…. opium, laudanum etc etc were the potion of choice for many of our great minds of the past, but it did them no favours in the long run. Being a musician at one time, I heard so many people in my bands quote something like ‘Hendrix, and the late 60s did drugs’…..yep, true.
Both are dead. The legacy, however, lives-on because those people had lives and creativity. I don’t think that they magically got that from Acid or whatever.
Viagara…..although I’m in the age bracket to need it (“40 over 40” they say) , I don’t need it (yet). If I did then I’d be first to post the results of whether it works or not. I think plenty of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a better option.
Andy, you mention Morals on a ‘Swingers Site’
...glad you brought that up. That should be a Thread of it's own.... any takers to start that?
As Deep Purple (Child in Time) sang "...wait for the ricochet.."....
This could be debated until we die but the fact of the matter if its illegal in the eyes of the law it cant ba allowed on the site for obvious reasons.
Wouldnt the newspapers love are in the minority and as with anything in the minority they are seen with questions in the medias eye and some give them even more ammo to kick the so called swinging commuinity that they so adorely cherish.
Not of worry ill donate a small portion of my intellegence to them when i die (of laughing in this case).
I can see it on my headstone now.
Here lies Westside RIP
Told you i was sick.
this is getting like every thing eles in the forums its getting out of hand ... at the end of the day it is site rules
Quote by user=Mr-kellie-45
this is getting like every thing eles in the forums its getting out of hand ... at the end of the day it is site rules

And here are the rules of the Anything Goes forums .........
An area for conversations or rants about anything you like
If ppl post in the forums, then others are obviuosly going to come along and debate what is is another cas eof a big deal made out of is out of hand is a debate between adults,within the rules of the forums (see above) and there is no abuse,no fighting,nothing just debate as per rules and as per what forums are about.
Whats getting out of hand is ppl coming along and interfering with others rights of speech on the one thing if someone genuinely got out of hand but to say "like everything else".
One thing i can see getting out of hand is the ammount of announcments and stickies are going to take up the whole front page creating a copy of the rules of the site which ppl are supposed to read anyway when they join up.
This isnt a dig at you but im sorry,this is a forum,it is entitled anything goes and it does say "An area for conversations or rants about anything you like".
within reason,
PS this is the edited part because i think its a good never hurt debate (and yes debate will involve disagreements) the site would never grow or have grown to the extenct it other point is that if a restriction (an unneccessary one) is placed on the posters then ppl will be afraid to post in fear of falling foul of mods or admin.
a west u r all ways about nice to see that
Quote by user=Mr-kellie-45
a west u r all ways about nice to see that

Yes but not as much though.I am however hoping to develope a shorthand learning course at a speicial discount price for forum users and will integrate this into my patented philosophy of life.
Live in the moment,take the batteries out of your clock,
Quote by user=Mr-kellie-45
i send them 2 u

Send me what? The rules of the site?Waste of time.I can say them backwards.
Swinging for shorthanders
An interesting thread and a subject maybe worthy of debate, but I think its worth clarifying things from our end first. We have the no drugs rule for two reasons, legality and in the case of some 'legal' drugs spammers, I'm not going to list them here as I'd rather that they don't appear on the site, search engines crawl and if this site pops up in the results for woodagra or anything else then the spammers appear setting up fake profiles etc Its a swinging site and we'd like to keep it that way. Now there may be things that don't fall into illegal or spamming that are drug related, but we have found it better from past experience that its better to have a no drugs related policy with regards to what we allow here, its not swinging and whilst we have nothing against freedom of speech we would rather not spend countless hours trying to split hairs about what is and what is not ok, no drugs related posts please. This area of the forum does say Anything Goes, maybe we should rename it to Anything Goes within the site rules but everyone does agree to the site rules when they sign up and I can't see the point in doing that, we do delete and lock threads when we need to but I can honestly say that if someone started a thread titled 'A hundred things we don't like about this site' and it wasn't total bollocks we'd probably let it run. Someone mentioned alchhol, it maybe worse in many ways but it isn't illegal to talk about, having said that if someone comes on the site pissed out of their head and starts breaking the rules we will take action. >> Added, there's a lot of stickies in here, I think a bit of consolidation would make things better, thanks for pointing it out smile
Quote by user=admin
Someone mentioned alchhol, it maybe worse in many ways but it isn't illegal to talk about

When has it been illegal to talk about drugs?
Hmmmm do you not think this is a bit OTT. So far on this site ive seen backlash for people using bad language, for people talking about fetishes (panties rooms being closed down for instance), for people having a perfectly legit piece of heated debate, for people giving out their OWN number (which I find bizarre!! lol) and now a kick and instant white wash for people even saying a word... cocaine.. it doesn’t matter what context its in. Its just a word.
Can somebody please explain to me why on an adult themed site people are so restricted in what they say?
And actually im pretty laid back and having a great time on this site but im finding the cumulative effect of these things sits uneasy in the back of mind and its pretty irksome. It be good to know the real reasoning behind all this because its certainly not setting a 21st century tone. In my eyes anyway.
Quote by user=alex-kink

Someone mentioned alchhol, it maybe worse in many ways but it isn't illegal to talk about

When has it been illegal to talk about drugs?
Hmmmm do you not think this is a bit OTT. So far on this site ive seen backlash for people using bad language, for people talking about fetishes (panties rooms being closed down for instance), for people having a perfectly legit piece of heated debate, for people giving out their OWN number (which I find bizarre!! lol) and now a kick and instant white wash for people even saying a word... cocaine.. it doesn’t matter what context its in. Its just a word.
Can somebody please explain to me why on an adult themed site people are so restricted in what they say?
And actually im pretty laid back and having a great time on this site but im finding the cumulative effect of these things sits uneasy in the back of mind and its pretty irksome. It be good to know the real reasoning behind all this because its certainly not setting a 21st century tone. In my eyes anyway.
easiest way to keep order is by drawing the line from the much easier than creating rules as the site goes along.
Also in case you dont know i used to mod and i can tell you that mods have enough of a time trying to interpret some things without making things even more awkward.
Also and again you just dont get not illegal to talk about drugs nope but it is illegal to use them as in any the cas eof the drug we are speakinbg about here, id be the first to admit (i dont smoke in case your wondering) that smoking cannbis doesnt mean the user is bad,or dangerous or it paints the site in a very bad light and thats the last thing anyone needs and why does it paint the site in a bad light???Scroll up for the answer.
I need to paint my house,
As a side note any of those who think its ok to smoke hash here are the i were a mod and someone was on cam smoking ,how do i know if its a joint or not?
ah the stickies are getting a bad press here ,they havnt gone away either ye know ,lol