Just i have thought about while browsing on this site.... the video gallery is been abused with scared little boys playin with themselves on cam....i wouldn't say anythin if these people were more active on other parts of the site. ie chat and forums....
just felt like i had to say .. and maybe we could change it so that when a single male does upload a video, that there be some sort of a clue on the link to the video which shows what is on the video... should be an image for all new videos i think..
Tallguy not really sure what your post is about! question or a statement? As fellow users of the site people are entitled to post within reason, in the threads, chatrooms and upload videos ! Sorry those same videos are not too your liking! I have no doubt the posters of same are not really worried about this thread! Padds user=tallguy22]Just i have thought about while browsing on this site.... the video gallery is been abused with scared little boys playin with themselves on cam....i wouldn't say anythin if these people were more active on other parts of the site. ie chat and forums....
just felt like i had to say .. and maybe we could change it so that when a single male does upload a video, that there be some sort of a clue on the link to the video which shows what is on the video... should be an image for all new videos i think..
These people have every right to upload these videos if they want, and if they don't want to use the rest of the site that's their decision too, it's unfair to say they are ruining things, don't watch videos from the newest section as previews are unavailable on the first few pages, select videos from the other sections instead, the majority of those have previews....if you don't like it, don't watch it....if you pressed play, just stop it.
If it was a woman would there be a problem?, guys are just as entitled to cam or put up vids, and no-one has to look at them if they don't want to....
I pretty much assume if a guy got a video on he's gonna have his langer out.
Its a free world so whatever floats their boat. if you assume they will have you wont be shocked if they do. Would be more shocked if they didnt have it out to be honest ....lol.
Sean xx
Sorry Mr Tallguy, so you don't like cock videos... but if some dame was on flicking her bean that would be ok????? I'm sure if that wasn't what a girl wanted to watch on a video, either a guys cock or a bean fest... they would just stop looking.... no sorry, correction, anyone would just stop looking. I know myself, if it's not my cup of tea, I switch it off, no big deal :thumbup:
I couldn't give a damn if there was a guy hung like a hamster or swinging like nelly the elephant out there giving his love truncheon a tug for the cam... it's his flipping profile, his personal space, why the feck should he put any kind of indicator on it???? Why are you on his page looking at his videos.... or are you out perving the video gallery and got offended because there were guys on as well as dames??
This site is a riot, a real hoot most of the time, and there a lot of fun people who have a laugh, a chat, oh yes; and a good shag :thrilled: and that's what's great about swing-a-ding, everyone is different and expesses their personality and profile as they wish. What they have on their own page is theirs, they're entitled to do as they wish with their page, as are you, and if the purple headed yoghurt spitter dumping his gue isn't for you... then stop watching!!
Different strokes for different folks
Personally, I love watching men with big gorgeous cocks enjoying themselves.. adore the 'money shot', wish there were more. Having said that, I love to watch women & couples & everyone enjoy themselves.. Wish all videos end with someone cumming ;) If I don't like a particular scene on the video gallery I just move on to the next. Easy as that.
I think your missing the point of Tallguy22's post. He didnt say he want to bann them, just maybe a mandentory preview pic like some already do. Because alot of couples are registered as a single male i would always look for latest pics amd vids rather than couples and females, and to be honest the video section is rubbish because you basically have to view every vid to see whats new.
mmmmmmmmm i never look at the video gallerys ...........must start lol
There are some good videos on it, but there is a hell of a lot of cock lol, depending on our mood depends on if we just bypass them or perv our little hearts away lol.
Easy solution, if you dont like them well . . . Ere dont watch them! All users have the right to upload videos. . . louth
A story..(i now feel like Sopha fromt he Golden Girls, but here goes)
Years ago my dad decided to get Sky installed as he was pissed off gettin pushed around pub when we wanted to watch a game on TV..so the sunday after its installed i visit,,,the convversation went as follows..
(my parents were in early 70s at the time)
Me..so hows the Sky
Dad,,,same fekkin TV as ever,,,,,hundreds of stations,,,and nuttin to watch
Mam...jesus i dunno...i was here other nite flickin thru the stations,,,and i came across one that was disgraceful..im married nearly 50 yrs and i didnt kno u cud do some of the things these girls were doin
Me...so u were watchin an adult station
Dad...disgraceful ???
Mam...yes ,,,disgraceful...was disgustin
Dad..Well if it was so fekkin bad.. u watched it for long enough !!!
Re-read if u dont get the point
Thats funny bongo, bet you went red lol
Happy you are the top veiwer of the videos, you love all those cocks lol.
sneaks up on happy GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx