Well folks, it's that time of year again......we will be doing a 1-off xmas/new year quiz some time between the 2....look forward to seeing you there!!!
Wohoo,,, count me in, but I am crap,,,, loved the last ones.
ffs happy....ye have never stayed past round 2!!lol
woohoooo i like been at bottom of u all :laughabove::laughabove::devil::lick: :0
:sparring: I shall win:sparring:
:grin:i shall lose lol:thrilled::thrilled:
i'll lose miserably but have a blast doing so lol
We're away from the 26th to the 29th so if it's any time then I'll miss it :upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset:
Right folks....looking at 30th December for the quiz...so be prepared - there WILL be an xmas theme to it lol
Havent played yet might be fun lol
Can't wait!
There's no losers or winners - we're all great participants
I am defo travelling home in time for this:bounce:
Can i come, pretty please with a 7 on top
oooh...so many questions.....yes 7,you can play too....just go join the universally challenged group as that's where the room password i posted....don't know if a&e are gonna play - might have to handicap them if they do tho lol.....it doesn't matte how much you swat up virgo - the only score you will get is me lol lol lol!!!
baggsies LongJon's knee for sitting on!
:giggle: Marie....maybe instead sitting at the front we should move to the back row:grin::bounce:
Roll on Wednesday 30th December - and the S4I Universally Challenged Christmas Quiz - get your laptops/PCs de-fragged, your speakers turned up to max and a bonny crayon ready to write up your daft answers to silly questions.