Have you been lucky in your life to meet your true sexual match, be it guy, girl or couple?
Yes twice, after the first I thought, to have found and lost, is okay really, at least I found, then bang found number two, it was amazing..
Now by sexual match I don't mean your last great shag, I mean someone who both sexualy and mentaly blew your mind, and you did likewise..
yes i have,
And to say that, i think the hardest thing is to find someone that you are sexually compatiable with.
So just from a couples point of view, every couple in this site has found that person. Because if we didnt have the same sexual interests there wouldnt be swinging couples on this site at all.
Sam more than rocks me, making love to her is an amazing experience.
babychicks, thats so sweet
sam is so lucky to have you ,
Addie good on ya girl,
yes, i found someone compatable on all levels
we are both very open minded
(me more so than him,
i did the survey on bebo and got 100% lol)
he is my heartbeat:love::inlove:
sex is such a pleasure and joy, with him,
i thought it couldnt get any better, but it does as each day passes,
My heart still skips a beat everytime he walks in the door
we were destined to be together, always
my mind was blown this morning, lol
had a one night stand with a girl in the uk about six mounths ago. blew my mind my dick and balla clesn off me wow, i nevre knew that you could have so much fun , if i sas ti die, i would have been happy, , wow still thinking of her,
thats brilliant nemo,
i feel like that sometimes
"and if the world ended now at least id die happy, very very happy"
Lucky enough to meet someone nearly 20 years ago now. Still with her. Have a family,and married over 14 years. Sex now is as good as was the day we met,,if not better!
We're soulmates!
been together 30 years and it has been the best time of our lives. we love each other more every day. we are friends, soulmates and lovers everyday. always end the day with a kiss and saying i love you.
Sex isn't just about the act itself, it is talking, thinking, being able to allow each other to share fantasies , perhaps not always acting on them, but sharing without inhibition what is in your mind, because despite what a lot of people believe, your mind is the most powerful sexual tool a woman or man posesses.
And to be able to share that with another is mind-blowing.
i agree totally.....the hardest thing to find is someone you are sexually compatible with....but its a mix of everything ....from when you look at each other over a camera ...when you hear each others voice... to when you both lock eyes when you see each other.....your hearts both skip a beat at that moment...sex is never boring....never anything but totally amazing.....getting better and better even when you think it cant...it does and will each time you make love......
it will also leave you wanting that person 5 mins after they left....even though you will see them soon ..be it hours or days you miss them.....
the mind is a powerful tool....and when two people are reading off the same page that is truly amazing....both of their fantasies will be discussed and either made reality or not but the discussion itself can be such a turn on.....
when you find your true match(sexually....spiritually...physically...etc).....it blows the mind totally.....trust me...and with care and imagination that is something that will last....
Great Post male33,
i have always been harping on about the power of the mind when it comes to sex, Like i say no Point having a ferrari if ya cant drive it.
the depths of our phsyce hold the secrets to all our desires and creativeness sex wise, and when you find a person that fills in the blanks with an attitude and mindset that compliments yours you know you've truely arrived, i have only had that with one person so far and unfortounately it was short lived due to other circumstances.
in the meantime i am Having a small measureable amount of enjoyment looking for someone similar........The ques over there to the right ladies:violin:
i say brilliant and good for you to all those whpo have found the person that makes them complete.
thanks manky .....
this took a while to write.....i probably still havent explained it fully.....its very hard to explain or quantify with words.....its so hard to find....too damn easy to lose....it just requires communicationand imagination to fuel and keep alive....the feelings never die.... when two people are reading off the same page its totally mindblowing and will leave you with a focus that you never had before....leaving you focused on that person like never before and that will open your mind and imagination like never before....that same focus haelps you to overcome obstacles and all circumstances too....such as times apart from one another and circumstances...even if you grab a fleeting moment together...it is precious.....every moment together is amazing.....
yep...the true match...the person that makews you complete
well said too manky....