Hi Guys,
Having got to know quite a few of you through recent Meet and Greets and a Party, I thought that I'd pick your collective brains.
At the moment, I'm here as a single Guy who moved back to Ireland last Christmas and was flying solo for encounters.
I have a F Buddy or semi regular but casual partner who is not a member of the scene but who would be aware of my involvement. She is very open minded, experienced and adventurous!
She is intrigued by the whole idea and is interested in coming to a Meet and Greet. I have spoken to my friendly M and G organizers and they have given me the go ahead to bring her along to the next one.
Any general advice on becoming a part time Swing Couple and on introducing someone to the scene?
I think this is something you need to speak to your potential swing partner about.....youve been on the scene and know the pros and cons etc ....yous need to decide if being a swing cpl is for yous and make sure you update your single profile to a couple with your new partners details etc to ensure your success for meets....good luck on your new venture
I think you should go for it...
Be very sure that you set down rules that yuo both stick to on meets etc.
as in same room, separate rooms? meeting singly etc.
Other than that if she is up for the fun and games bring her along! I'm sure she'll enjoy the ride!
Best of luck with it and i'm sure i'll see you both at the next M&G!
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
I think that I might bring her to a M and G and let her decide afterwards.
Thanks again Guys.