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the way is was

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gone very quite in here so anything gonna happen with this site to get it back up running like the way it was ?
Well said dubz ! I couldnt agree more... sad
Quote by dubz" date="23 Dec 2014 00:37:53
gone very quite in here so anything gonna happen with this site to get it back up running like the way it was ?
Its actually quite hard to figure out what went wrong isnt it ? It just seems like the whole thing colapsed all of a sudden
We had hoped that when you pushed the new version of the site up things would improve, unfortunately with the new version there have been a number of unexpected problems that in some cases have presented some from accessing the site and certain things not working as they should, were working hard behind the scenes to get everything working as they should and are investigating then fixing.
If anything strange happens or you find something that isn't working when your using the site please let us know giving as much information as possible, a support ticket is usually the best way
So sorry for the problems guys, were working on it, please bear with us, we will make it better moving forwards.
Theres far too many messers on this site nowadays who ruin it for the genuine its becomming rather off putting at this stage too.
I remember the craic on here when i joined first, Forums were always busy and the chatrooms were fairly crowded during the week, and jammed the weekend. Used to be some right funny feckers on here as well. donno where it all fell apart tbh.confused:
We feel that the old whisper rule that people had to ask before whispering should be brought back. It encouraged people who use the chatroom to actually chat and for the most part lead to a busy and enjoyable experience. As much as it was a nuissance for the mods it would at least make the rooms seem busy. Now its seems people are quiet happy to wait until they see a cam go on and then bombard people with whispers which is a little sad, while the public rooms dont move unless those who usually chat contribute. then when those people do chat they are labelled a clique. Also feel that members with extras should be allowed recommend 2 or 3 free members a year for a free extras profile for 3 months. This would allow genuine folk to get more genuine folk full access to the site and get them promoting the site to others. It seems that a lot of genuine people who were a big part of the banter and craic on the site have left and very few have filled the void they have left and there has been little promotion of the site to encourage people to get involved. our few pence worth, probably get stick for saying so..... S & D.
over zealous mod(s):
banning/kicking for spurious reasons, squashing the craic in the chat room, Even if it only happened a few times, word got round. With little or no comeback from the administrators. it sucked the air out of the room. so people became silent at first. then they stopped bothering to come in. There was a lovely bloke that played music, lots of music on his cam. He got run out. As did so many others.
so many messers, endless lines of faceless eejits pretending to be something they are not. Mostly sad old blokes or clueless kids.
clueless kids: "Wanna Fuck?" "See my Cock"... WTF?
customer care:
the recent and previous snags, outages etc., have been so badly handled - glitches and lack of service is unwelcome but understandable - what is not acceptable is having to raise tickets and seek info in the forum (if you can log on!) for issues known to the site admins which could so easily have been posted on the homepage.
Symbios Solutions, owners of this and other adult websites, claim there are 147,829 users here, when in fact only 5875 users have logged in, chatted, read forums or checked their mail in the last 3 months, making over 95% users dormant. So ppl join up and pay their fee to be part of nearly 150k others only to find out there is less than 5% active. Nice way to make new customers feel misled.
I don't know about you, but I think swapping emails and messages once every 90 days is really pointless!
As S & D said above, I may get some critical comment on this. Flame on!
The problem with the old whisper rule was that it caused more problems than it solved so we decided to ditch it, even back in the ask to whisper days people would still be bombarded with whispers so we decided to empower everyone with the new block features, those that whisper uninvited should be blocked, with time if they repeat behaviour like that they'll end up with a fair few blocks, surely a good incentive to be more courteous. I'm not sure how we would be able to implement what you're suggesting Randypeeps, but the concept of members with Extras being able to do something that results in newbies getting some sort of trial isn't a bad one, we still have a few other enhancements to sort out before we can consider anything like that though and how it would work, at one point we wanted allow those that image verify and hadn't upgraded to have better access to other parts of the site such as bits of chat, replying to more pm's, we trialled that for a bit but it didn't get that take up that we'd expected. I don't believe that our mods are over zealous, its true that there are times when people have to be pulled up and this can cause some bad feeling, but it is necessary, if anyone ever feels that they've been victimised they should submit a support ticket, we do investigate all of them and check logs to ensure that things have been handled correctly, if they haven't we take further action. Messers need reporting, its the only way to identify them in many cases, you'd be surprised at the number of verification requests that we send out based on these reports, many of those on the receiving end have no problem in verifying as they see the site being proactive, however those with fake accounts don't like it one bit. I agree, the outages etc were unacceptable, unfortunately in trying to make the place better some things went wrong, a message on the home page would have helped at the time, something for us to bear in mind. As for the members number, it is correct, that is how many members have joined, its true that not all are active at the same time though, some disappear and return years later, some don't, there's no real way to differentiate, hence the options to search by last active etc across the site, people are here using the site and its important that other members are able to seek out those that are currently active. We don't tend to give critical comments or stick for feedback, its all good to know at the end of the day. Getting this place to be busier is always in the hands of the members, getting the older members back and new ones is mostly down to word of mouth, so spread the word and we will keep trying to make the site better from our end.
Every member should have to pay to use the site will solve a lot of issues