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the flrst time you had sex

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whare was it ,how old were you and was it good ? go on tell all,,,
Jaysus it was very Vague, she was a Girl From sligo I met on the rosslare to la harve ferry on way back from a school tour I think i was 17 at the time, christ above it was great...all 55 seconds of it,,,, I nearly wept. She was a bit disaapointed until I showed her my neat pussy licking trick, i still remeber it but not one of my finer moments.
First time was with a a neighbour at the outside standing against the back of the youth club hall, we were at a youth club hop (disco) and I asked her out and we were kissing and I was findling her tits under her T-shirt, I then lifter her T-shirt and bra to kiss her nipples. I chanced dropping my hand inside her jeans and panties and surprisingly got no objection, even better she put her hand inside my jeans to feel my cock, nearly exploded, we then took it further it lasted for ages (I thought but looking back it was minutes if not seconds). We were about 16 at the time. We stayed together for a while and had better sex after especially when her mother and father were at bingo.
:Pawe boys, a gentleman should never tell :censored::sticky:
:O the first time was at the macarbi center,,,in between the tennis courts,,,with a girl called ??? i was 13 going on 14 it was the local dance,,and it was the start of summer.. during our brief few minute fumble cum romp the garda arrived and shon flash lights above our heads that nearly made us shit on the spot...confused??: anyways it was a few years after my first time that my second time came up.. ps... i still see this girl every few years either in an airport or in passing weird:doh:
I was 16 , was with a guy I knew from summer job , was bloody awful , 3 mins of studying a spider run across the ceiling (im afraid of spiders :giggle: ) got dressed went home thinking ffs if this is what sex is Id rather have a cup of tea:giggle:
ohhhhhhhhhhh lord i must be the only virgin on this site ........lalalala .
Quote by user=casper2000
ohhhhhhhhhhh lord i must be the only virgin on this site ........lalalala .

Nope I am as well:smoke:
Dora hun, great that u can be that honest. For me it was under a willow tree on someones front garden in the early hours of a summer morning. I was 15, she was 16 or 17 (can't remember which), i'm sure she'd had better b4, but i'll never forget it, or her name. andy
oh my god i made a compleat ape of my self .i met her in Supermacks after a disco,, it was the 80s well any way i could not get it up ,when i did i could not grt it in , and by the time i got it in i had cum ,, .not one of my finet moments,, when iwent home i put detol on my willy,, in case i got AIDS,, i did not have a condom , and as i said it was the 80s ,, when everyone was going ti get it,, .. a well isint ig good to look back,,,
Have to first experience was lots of fun....i was almost 18....he was 23....from belfast down in my home vilaage fr xmas with some mates....,he took me and my friends home from the niteclub.....we sat in the living room of my parents house(they were away) chatting with my older brother....when the guy., a case of harp ut of the car adn gave it to my brother to leave us being that bit older and being with someone older....he knew what he was doing and it was gooood.......
i was 18, she was 17 and it wasn't her first time. she lived in offaly and i met her online (not a site like this though) i had met her in town a few times and went to her debs. a month or 2 after the debs i went back to offaly and stayed in her house again, both of us fully intending to do what we did long before i stepped on the bus. we were in a living room with 2 of her friends who had recently become a couple watching movies. after a while we left them to whatever they got up to and disappeared to her room. she had the duvet and pillows on the floor to stop her bed from creaking as her parents were asleep across the hall. we got down to business and that was it really. we hopped back on her bed and fell asleep.
jesus christ............... i was 16 - he was 23:-o was with him about a month - was in his flat - all felt natural and good ------------- ended up marrying the bollix....:giggle: not one of my finer judgementsbanghead anyway ---- it lasted about 30 mins - so i suppose it wasnt that bad -------- but looking back onit now ---- sex now is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better:giggle:
God I was a late starter, 21 was with the boyfriend at the time. Neither really knew what we were doing. Things however have gotten considerably better. smile
Quote by user=1yummymummy4u
God I was a late starter, 21 was with the boyfriend at the time. Neither really knew what we were doing. Things however have gotten considerably better. smile

Late Starter.....not at all. Snap (except mine was not with a boyfriend).
Messed around with girls before then, but I didn't want anyone to get wrong idea until I thought I'd met the right person. It was the right person...from that time until their mid-life crisis kicked in after over 25 years.
The first time was great in one sense, but mechanical crap.
Oh Dear - Do we really have to remember???
I was 15 - and my boyfriend had just asked me to marry him - on the first 'Bong' of the New Year's Eve's Big Ben Bells. I said Yes and I was ruined lol.
I didn't marry him in the end - he turned out to be a worse bollix than the one I did marry three years later.
Now you know why I stay home safe - and alone - on NYE biggrin :D :D :D
We were both seventeen and had gone for a ride on my new motor bike i had just got for doing well in my leavin we drove to a lake near our homes and we sat for e while before getting down to the nasty. We broke up shortly after wards but that night by the lake side will stay with me forever
Can't remember the first time, :-(
Quote by user=1sttimecorkguy
We were both seventeen and had gone for a ride on my new motor bike i had just got for doing well in my leavin we drove to a lake near our homes and we sat for e while before getting down to the nasty. We broke up shortly after wards but that night by the lake side will stay with me forever

Trying to have sex on a motorbike has led to a few break ups lol.
Well I am probably the one who left it the longest. Was 29 years of age with woman who is now my wife and mother of our 5 children. Good things come to those who wait. Oh btw it was fantastic and gets better every time Thanks Babe .
I hated my first, it was all awkward, it was my first boyfriend, he was 24 and i think i just turned 18. I used to hate sex too, now im completly addicted..yay
Boo: Well, what a thread to post to as the first time I open my mouth here. My first time was rather clinical and planned. I'd been masturbating since quite an early age, made myself come before I knew what orgasm was and didn't masturbate for a few nights after as I thought I was possessed by satan as punishment for being such a sex addict. I was horrified! ROTFLOL! But it felt so darn good I very quickly overcame my fear and was at it again. Decided around seventeen that this breathless anticipation stuff was shite, I needed to get over that first time so I could get on with life and gain experience. Set out looking for a suitable candidate, found a ready and willing partner and had sex on the couch in his parents' house when they weren't there. One bummer was that he had his doubts over my claim to have been a virgin as I'd deflowered myself in complete ignorance of what virginity entailed yonks before I ever got close to any man. He was... I think he was nineteen or twenty. It was no great shakes, but I fully expected it to suck. We remained friends, though he kept trying to get back in my pants. A year or two after we'd broken up, we did the nasty again one night. What was really delightful was that he was absolutely blown away by the way my skills had improved. Though I have intimate knowledge *nudge nuge wink wink* of Bull's first time, I think it's up to him whether he'd like to share.
well my first was bit out the blue my mum dad went away for nite i was 16 they left my sisters friend to kind watch house and tat she walked in on me looking at a blue movie and ended up doing some very bold things to me and having sex with me she was 28 i was 16 tat was my first time ha ha ha