:grin: jesus Raven..i never saw a thumb on a foot before
I have to go to bed now...nite Naven
Will find you a picture of one sometime
Right so Long sweet dreams xx
:giggle: Now im not going that easy
Do you think i was going to let ya lol
I am trying as hard as i can lol
:fury:...you are teasing...thats what you are doing lol
Would i tease you Long.
There see you made me cum again lol
:happy: Speech...speech ..speech
I just noticed i got a thousand post in excatly four weeks and three days:bounce:
So besides me and alan is there anyone else on this site that got 3000 posts either past or present members??
oooohhh I passed the 300 mark and didnt even notice duhhhhhhhhhh
Alan stop bending over trying to entice teddy, its a confined space here and ya never know what might get shoved up there:haha:
:giggle: Raven ..at the rate you are going you are going to get 4000 within a week
:grin: Cutie..I cant get close enough to use my hook
Lol Dora, not into the speech thing but Thank you hun xxx
:giggle: I'm about to explode ...where are ye ..Ravens
:giggle:Stand back ...I'm cumming all over the place:giggle: