Would i be that cruel to you Long:evil2:
You know me too well Long x
Think it might be you next cutie lol
Happy teddy wouldnt grab your arse, but if you asked him nicley he might do something else lol
Put the Pink champagne on ice Virgogirl is on the way :bounce:
Come on Virgo get your finger out and try to make this your last time over the line:haha::inlove:
Dora and Raven am determined to actualy be here for this one:giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:
:giggle:Come on so Virgo, I will hold your hand.. and ..:censored:
Can we just dander along Long:rascal:
Can we have a picnic:happy:
:giggle:Lovely Virgo..:rascal: and then a roll in the lovely long grass
:giggle:I'm getting excited too ..
Only 6 to go
I may pee myself with the excitement Long:grin::grin:
:giggle:I just relieved my self.. in case of an accident
:giggle::giggle:no way .. leave the little boobies as they are.
Headlines on the Indo tomorrow...At hours on 08/03/2010 Virgogirl reached her 1000 th post :happy:
P.S. where are you Virgo..You better not be gone to bed without me.. and me here with the champers open:giggle:
ffn colours and font size would'nt work for me
Congratulations Virgo...
Speech ,,. Speech