Heres one for ye. there are lots of different phrases for masturbation like, choke the chicken, slap the monkey....etc...
whats your favourite term but also what do women call it when they do it????
plain and simple....Fiddle :smoke:
Clittering - for the girls
I just love flickin the bean.
Popping out for a quick Tonk.
Pulling handbrakes all around the room.
Pedal and crank! (Virgo x x)
Bate the bishop :thumbup:
chokin de chicken....diddle the skittle....ejectin the pilot
For the girls,
Groping the Grotto :lick:
I always thought women went for a strum? Very descriptive I think. Men, well they have literally dozens of colloquialisms, such as "going to cough my filthy yoghurt up", strangling kojak, pull the lid off it, take captain picard to warp speed etc etc, anyone ever get the profanisaurus from Viz? Its packed full of them. Self pollution anyone?
making man toothpaste !!!