Talk the talk but not walk the walk.
Is there to much Talking and not enough Walking?
Is it to easy to hide behind that virtual persona?
Is who you chat to, text or mail who you really get?
Do we "big" ourselves up?
Chatrooms & forums in reality what have they got to do with Swinging.
Don't get me wrong, I love chat & forums but this is an adult meeting site not a bebo, or other similar social network sites.
Yes chat, messages & the forums are useful tools in determining a persons personality & whether you may meet them but nothing beats that "face to face" meeting, you cannot hide your body language and your conversation doesn't have the benefit of "web time delay", no time to compose that perfect thought out answer.
I know I am showing my age but I remember when meets were organised via classified adverts in magazines, then via bulletin board. No chat, no photos , no texts or emails ... You got a phone call, arranged to meet at some local pub and waited to see who or what turned up... .
At that "first meet" you had to sell yourself, to show your personality, who you were, ... No hiding behind a keyboard, PC or mouse ...
Now before any meeting there is chat, email & text tennis, but still your not sure if there will be a spark.
Despite all the electronic contact there appears to be as high or higher incidence of "no shows" then there ever was in the old days.
So what has technology done for Swinging .... Made it easier to contact like minded people but not necessarily made actual meeting any easier or more likely...
So I ask the question do you talk the talk & walk the walk
or are you just here to get your rocks off...
I talk the talk and I walk the walk.
Technology and the myriad ways to communicate has given the advantage of 'The Weeding Procedure'.
You can filter out the:
10% of folks who you would not want to be in the same city with - sheer psychos/TWONKs/Fakers/Liars with no intention of ever actually getting face to face with another human being without a straightjacket and a restraining order - despite earnest protestations of sincerity which smack of desperation;
50% of 'single guys' who are not single but cheating on partners that never turn up for all those 'threesomes with a hot couple' they beg for and then moan on the Forums about not been 'given a chance';
20% of 'toyboys' - including those far too old to qualify for the role still living with the hairy chest/medallion mentality in their aging parents homes;
and you're left with the 20% target pool of friendly, personable, funny, talented, genuine, adult-minded-and-adult-behaved, Smashing Smilers who also talk the talk AND walk the walk. These are the ones I like to give a chance to - and I've been well-rewarded by doing so in 99% of cases.
Viva la Technologie!!!!
I think Once people are paying for the membership here and they are abiding by the rules they are well within they're rights to not meet. My issue is though with the ones that seem to be serial time wasters, wind up merchants, and those that eel because they have paid a membership they can do or say what they like to others on here regardless of how offensive it may be with no repercussions.
A Lot of people have to be very comfortable with themselves and the whole scene on so many levels before they venture into going the whole hog. And Judging them on the fact they may be taking they're time to
'jump in' is not very fair.
Of all the sites I have ever been on, and I have to admit, there are many in number, this site has to be the most genuine. People here are for the most, who they say they are. And that is truly great to find.
But as for talking the talk and walking the walk, hang on a sec. We are all humans as I have said so many times, and we all have feelings and I would hope some self respect too. I would certainly not jump into bed with the first person who asked me to. I need to know someone, build up a rapport with them, and only then, when we both respect eachother, maybe, just maybe a spark will occur and then some fun will follow.
This site is an adult site first and foremost that puts adults in touch with other like minded adults. No where does it say that this is a sex contact site. Yes sex may play a part in it, but only between mature consenting adults.
To suggest that we must talk the talk and then prove it by walking the walk is putting people under pressure and placing them in different boxes. If I were expected to carry on in this fashion, I would not be here.
Yes there are time wasters, but damn it, they exsist in every part of life and quite frankly I am getting a little tired of these people been mentioned. We all will meet with whomever we choose to and just because it isn't been publicly broadcast on here all the time, no one is in a position to suggest that people don't meet.
Sorry for the rant........
I Talk the Talk and i walk the walk ..but i have to say i agree with virgo ,and everyone is entilted to swing in there own way .
I am a man so cant multitask can only either walk or talk not both at same time.
Mulder behave yourself or Mrs Mulder will spank ya.....can i help her with it:haha:
:smile2: I talk the talk and walk the walk.
But in no way, shape or form does this mean that if I chat to someone, I will shag him/her/them. That is my prerogative. Not giving anyone any false hope, though - it is stated very clear on my profile that I am only here to chat and make friends. I have done the meeting in my time, quite actively too .... :devil: but for now I am just happy chatting and reading/writing in forums.
With me what you see is what you get. I had a very thorough profile on another site which stated exactly who I was and what I was looking for (made a similar effort here but just got ridiculed, so I just though feck it). And I have been quite lucky as most of the people I have met have been exactly what I thought - apart from someone who told me he was in his 30s and turned out to be in his 50s. Now, I have no problem with age, but pretending to be 20+ years younger... I should put on my profile that I am 16 then. :thrilled:
So yes, I am a timewaster in the way that I won't meet... been told that by someone on this site - he said it was not worth chatting if we weren't going to fuck -hey, fair enough, that is his prerogative as well... what he doesn't know is that I wouldn't fuck him even if I was meeting people, because I didn't really fancy him. But didn't want to hurt his feelings ha ha ha :taz:
I've been on the site for a while...more of a lurker than anything else... will occasionally pop into forums/chatrooms ..... maybe talk for a bit with people but then again..... doesnt mean I'm wasting people's time.
I haven't asked people to meet up - like another poster said you can talk to loads of people in a bar - doesnt mean yer gonna shag them why should an online forum be any different.
We are here because we are interested (curious or actively) in Swinging and the swinging lifestyle..... people have different opinions of swinging and different perceptions of the site ...this is a site for likeminded people to chat and if interested