Darling thank you
For the brand-new, super-duper dildo
You say that it’s
The biggest one they had
But I’m PMT
And if that’s meant for me
Then there’s been a change of plans
So bend over – and take it like a man’
Darling bend over
And take it like a man
Let’s share the pleasure, darlin’
Let me show how much I care
So spread those hairy butt-cheeks in the air
And bend over
And take it like a man’
Darling, gonna thank you
With the brand-new super-duper dildo
With you tied spread-eagled
Face down on the bed
And I’ve bolted it on to
The Black ‘n’ Decker
So lift your arse up in the air
And bend over
And take it like a man’
Darling, so thank you
For the brand-new super-duper dildo
As I dunk it in
The jar beside the bed
Was that KY gel
Or chilli sauce?
I could not give a damn
Just bend over
And take it like a man’
of Jenny Talia