Just wondering about the disclaimers some people put on their profiles about not giving institutions permisson to use their photographs. What is that all about? I have seen it on other sites and seems to have crept in here. Is it a problem? What kind of "research" are they doing? ** Removed ** type research?
It's not research as in the usual 'academic-type' definition that is being referred to.
There are guttersnipe 'reporters' from the tabloid press haunting the sites who inveigle their way into the groups and meets set up for/by the members.
Once they get their own 'kicks' by attending a party, they then write a fairytale version about the experience which gets printed in rags purporting to be newspapers.
The facts are rarely related correctly. They sensationalise the events as 'orgies in restaurants' 'shagathons in hotels' etc. They copy people's profile details and pics without permission from the members involved. That's why most folks keep their pics assigned as 'private'.
The disclaimer has little or no affect on this sort of low trash who have no conscience about ruining people's lives by making public what should be private.
This situation is not helped by this site being viewable by anyone on t'Internet - whether a signed up member or not - instead of being for "Member's Use Only".
I realise that the site owner's want to allow prospective new members the chance to see what the site is about before they sign up to be a member, but that policy which allows profiles and pics to be viewed anonymously leaves the door wiiiiiiiiiiiide open to abuse by the unscrupulous.