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Swinging before the likes of this site were available

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I know that swinging has been around for maybe hundreds and thousands of years but before this site was available what did you all do, I know there's old timers on here that may have been swinging for the last 60 years, just curious as to how you got around to it in a country like this, did you have to swing with personal friends a lot or what. I don't use any other swing sites been on this site years, maybe even a year or two under a different name if I remember correctly but mainly just to have a look around, saying that I've been interested in group sex since way way back but before the internet was available and before computers were invented so I didn't have much to work with, I had the Alternative Lifestyles section in the buy and sell but I remember calling a number to reply to an advert once, a woman answered and I said I wanted to leave a message for mailbox number whatever, and she said this is Kwikfit so I didn't even try calling again, the only other option I remember back than was some contact mag called unzipped that they used to sell in the sex shops. So have we got it easy these days or what.
Easy is right!! Compared to when we started out nowadays its much better. We met people through the B&S (A yellow paper) first off. We couldnt exchange pics cos we didnt have a PC back then, well we did but we were unsure of emailing pics to people we didnt know. Also people back then (And I'm sure now too) made themseves out to be younger than they were, and that didnt sit well. Still doesnt. I mean why dont people just put their real ages on their profiles? IMO its a vanity thing, but its really silly. Nobody can stop time, nevermind reverse it lol Then a mate at work told me about this club he and his GF attended in Dublin called Entropy (It's long dead now, so naming it isnt wrong or against Site AUP). It was held in a property that mainly dealt with TV's/TS's & Drag Queens. my workmate passed our number to the organiser/host and he called us and invited us along. I remember it being quite pricey for 2002. Something like per couple. It was alright in there, although while we were only 24 at the time, the majority of attendees seemed to be 50+ which wasnt our thing. We always seemed to be the youngest people in there. Went there 4 times, maybe 5 max. It had a Jaccuzzi in there and one night the host hired exotic dancers which was a good watch smile So yeah Rhino, we have it very handy at present. Hooray for the internet :)