I know that swinging has been around for maybe hundreds and thousands of years but before this site was available what did you all do, I know there's old timers on here that may have been swinging for the last 60 years, just curious as to how you got around to it in a country like this, did you have to swing with personal friends a lot or what.
I don't use any other swing sites been on this site years, maybe even a year or two under a different name if I remember correctly but mainly just to have a look around, saying that I've been interested in group sex since way way back but before the internet was available and before computers were invented so I didn't have much to work with, I had the Alternative Lifestyles section in the buy and sell but I remember calling a number to reply to an advert once, a woman answered and I said I wanted to leave a message for mailbox number whatever, and she said this is Kwikfit so I didn't even try calling again, the only other option I remember back than was some contact mag called unzipped that they used to sell in the sex shops.
So have we got it easy these days or what.