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stranded on a desert island

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You have been stranded on a desert island all alone and are likely to be there for some time before getting rescued. what would be the 5 things that you would want with you if that happened? There is no electricity but feel free to include a solar panel or wind turbine in your choice.
ehhhhhhhh 1, a boat 2Satalite phone 3,horny woman 4food 5, water
I'll make do with 2 things....a guitar, and Ray Mears lol - what a dude!
blinkWho wants to be rescused ffs????????:thumbup: Leave me on the island... I be quite happy.... But I would like.... 1. A large chest containing as many books as possible. 2.A selection of tools.... saw, hammer, etc... box of nails....etc. 3.A wind up radio. pans and cooking utensils. 5.A large supply of matches. Oh look I've moved in......:grin: Jax
why couldnt there be a hunk ridin the boat lol smile1 chocolate 2 clean undies 3 clean drinkin water 4 my lipstick 5 mp3 player and thank god my fingers come everywhere with me innocent
Here is what i'd bring: 1. ipod 2. beer 3. megan fox 4. a deck of cards ( for strip poker ) 5. a solared powered generator
Solar powered Generator..Hmmmm. Anyhoo Up Radio star Vicky Vette desalinator
Ohhhh 1, chocolate 2, knife 3, Laptop 4, solar power chargable batteries (if they exist) 5, large dildo
cool thread!!! 1: Anto 2: a mobile phone 3: the internet 4: a laptop 5: Nelson Mandella
ps that was donna writing that
only thing i'd want is a helicopter to fly myself outta there, but failing that.. 1 A big supply of books 2 solar powered radio 3 fishing rod 4 pans 5 and a big hunk of a man :haha:
:notes: 1 a hunk of a man 2 solar power radio 3 tools 4 a trunk of books 5 Sunblock
apart from the fact ur all alone on the island ... so no hunky men or horny women ... & in such a confined enviroment would they be hunky r horny for ever ... or wud u want to kill 'em ... but the ideas are great, music & books feature quite a bit, sun block for a tan & to guard against the skin cancer and a way to make water ... so what should you pack n ur bag just in case you have that Robinson Crusoe experience?
just the two things in my satchel.boink a leatherman (like swiss army knife), lots of blank sheets of paper(dont need pens as u would use the charchol from the nightly fire),:yinyang:
Quote by user=kirishlad
a boat
2Satalite phone
3,horny woman
5, water

Sheesh, nothing to add to that except maybe a bottle of gin drinkies
Bull apart from the fact ur all alone on the island ... so no hunky men or horny women ... & in such a confined enviroment would they be hunky r horny for ever ... or wud u want to kill 'em ... so if you cant have a horny woman or man what else would you choose
Ok, replace no. 3 with the Collected Works of Herman Charles Bosman. :thumbup:
Boo says: 1. Bull. Being an outdoorsman, he'll be able to solve a lot of things that might make us uncomfortable. He is also perpetually horny so that's sorted. Furthermore, we've been married, like, forever, so we know how to get along. 2. Magical bottomless barrel of wine. It serves a different kind of wine every night, and Beer every Saturday. 3. Solar-powered laptop with internet connection. 4. Mobile home with solar panels to power the compact modern conveniences inside. 5. Um... er... I can't think of any other desperate neccessity, so I'll add a couple with their own place to live, who are both bisexual, who look like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and are both addicted to sex. Clothes optional, because this is a warm, tropical island. What more can you possibly want?
If ya send me the navigational charts to that island Boo, I'll buy a boat tomorrow & scuttle it when I get there :mrgreen:
Clean knickers, an endless supply of Jack Daniels, crate of cigs, a servant and a boat so the servant can row me to the other Island were all the horny people live.
just realised i forgot about alcohol, so i'll ditch the fishing rod and get a lend of boo's endless bottle of wine
( from star trek). operator Vicky Vette for those times when I am not transporting to somewhere else. 3. 2 comms badges ala star trek so I can be beamed out of various beds b4 hubbies, boyfriends, significant others catch me shagging their main squeezes ( all the sexy girls on swing first if they ll have me).
1. laptop and webcam 2. solar powerd generator and wireless reception biggrin 3. a sexy man 4. a razor (cant be gettin hairy wen a sexy man on a dessert island with ya)biggrin 5. pictures of my familly and friends and dogs 6. a magic refillable alcholic bottle :thumbup: SORTED!!:cheers: