These are what you call idiots !
is it possible for a guy to consider himself straight, yet have a desire for same sex relations....?
Maybe they are straight males seeking their first bi-sexual experience and until they experience it they will continue to class themselves as straight.
There are single members here who are actually married and vice versa. Protool you are a tad harsh and showing your own true colours with the name calling.
Sarium I just found this which may answer your question as the same question was asked within the bisexual forum, check out the link below.
Ella im just sick of guys whispering or mailing me constantly when it says clearly n my profile that im not interested in guys whatsoever
protool they are just checking cause they think ure hot...
you do cam alot and i'm sure they watch you and would love to meet you.. so you can't blame them really...
just my tuppence worth
If they would take a second to read my profile they wud know not to, I personally read all profiles before saying hello or whispering or anything, If it says there not into single males, then I dont contact them simple,
Guess sum people will never learn lol
Ah the amount of guys that send me friend requests.. Whisper me in chat and send me winks is mental..
So most don't read profiles so don't get stressed
To the OP....I dont know if you've noticed or not but this is good old catholic Ireland and unfortounately for some its still a subject and they don't want it being known to everyone.
Lol really at half six in d morning T pmsl :giggle:
Thanks for calling me an idiot Protool, I was wondering what was up with me...
The Bi/Curious/Straight label is a nightmare.
When we put up our profile we had ourselves down as straight, then that lovely girl from Cork said she never meets straight guys cos they're kinda stuck-up. That didn't sound like me so I changed to bicurious... then several couples said they only meet straight guys, yeah they prob were scared and we never met them anyway but... you can't win.
I reckon I'm straight cos when I walk down a street my eyes go like magnets to anything resembling a female form... but I've no problem with intimate male proximity in a group situation and find some male bodies visually attractive... bicurious?
really, can anyone into swinging be called straight?
Thanks Onix,
I'll just expand on my last question;
Really can anyone involved in swinging be called "straight", and why should we define ourselves by the limited
imagination of the person who designed the website with only Straight/Bi-curious/Bi as options..???
Another, very classy but now defunct, website had Blank and By Feeling as options... pretty cool, Bi-Feeling, lol.
Some couples like Bi men, most dont, thats life, sure alot of couples don't even want to meet single guys, but thats also life.
Its hard to put a label on people and yourself. Some like to give plesure but not receive it, some like to receive it, some like to do both.
In the heat of the moment some can relax and go with the flow and other are terrified about close contact from another man.
Its all part of the long journey and experience that most of us are travelling along. I am comfortable in my own skin and happy in my own head so i list myself as bi.
Alot of other guys have not reached that point yet and maybe they will and maybe they wont, but having a label shouldn't stop anyone from meeting up, spending some time together socially and seeing what common interest that you may have. While i am bi and i meet couples i am never going to do anything with a guy thats straight and has no interest in me, then it usually becomes about giving the female pleasure,
It's all supposed to be fun and an enjoyable experience and life usually a whole lot better with a smile on your face.
Hey yeah..... really agree with where you're coming from Sarium, we never change to suit others but we do change the profile to try and get the right pitch on the advertising.... mainly cos no-one contacts us, lol, so we keep trying new angles.
We've always been amazed how it's de rigueur for girls to be bi on these sites but there's a funny attitude to bi males... like the way a lot of the sex is pretty vanilla-ish too and loads of people panic at the thought of anything a bit kinky.
Following your advice to read profiles we thought you sound great fun and dashed over to read your profile but alas there's nothing written on it....
I'm straight, but i'd like to kiss a girl so does dat make me bi?