sometimes I just cudnt b bothered...
Sometimes you got to think very hard first thing's worth it :smile2:
Sometimes..... after hours
I wish I could stop the clock.
Sometimes I wonder why some people dont just give back their status when complaining about how its voluntary and that they get no appreciation etc etc :sleeping:
But then again, if they did give it up, they would lose the tools & access that the regular run of the millers dont have....
I wish I had control of the weather. Or was impervious to rain.
sometimes i wish i had my old life back.............
sometimes I wish sometimes was more often....
sometimes late at night i lie awake and watch you sleeping?
sometimes I like to dance in the rain
Sometimes everything works out better if you just let it be
sometimes.. it's nice to sleep in and enjoy a late morning
Sometimes.... you get it wrong.
I take it that it will be a top shelf read Busty and not for faint hearted lol
Sometimes I wish life could be just a lil bit more simpler!
sometimes, it just fits :therethere:
Sometimes it's best to see someone for the person they really are. Even if it's a tough view
life smiles on us and good people really do get what they deserve!
yes, bad people get what they deserve sometimes, too! Karma works both ways!
Sometimes... you just have to unplug for a while. have to put yourself first :grin: