Well i have some shit to deal with for a while so will be unable to hang around here but thats my tough shit.
Some thoughts that i have regarding the place that may /maynot improve it.
*i was completly wrong with my stance on the is a hard enough position to be a mod puts themselves out ot their way to help someone please at least show some ,even a weee little bit of are here to enjoy the site too and understand that each time they do a turn for someone,they pull themselves away from that enjoyment,so a slight little bit of appreiciation will go a long way.
*This is a swing you may find yourself hooked up with a nice girl or guy ,a couple but you can also end up with an enraged husband ,wife, or someone following you all over the site do not hassle other people with your troubles because some ppl actually dont like it.I dont and if i want drama i watch a soap on me about something like this would irritate me to say the least.
* Admin, nasties need to be dealt with more harshly the other night a guy referred to a lady (yes she is a lady) as a slut.A cunt like this should have his ip banned from the site,no abuse of any kind should not be includes harrasing women,gays people etc.
I think that thsoe three points kept in mind would help the site go further and prevent a lot of hassle.I will say the same thing here admin as i said to you in private.I honestly didnt think that you would turn the site did and i salute you for that.
So take it easy all ,hope you have a good time and meet some good are some very nice ppl on this site smileynat,bicurious,live4life,bigknob,jnev and of course my fav ella to name just a those who have probs with me ,i will say this.I much prefer,much prefer to be known as a straight forward cunt then a two faced gent.
All the best,