First, can i just begin by saying that this in no way is a dig at mods as i think their necessary to help the site run properly.
But, recently there has been alot of fighting in the chat rooms, and 90% of these arguements are caused by ppl breaking the rules (most of the time, unintentionally) and the mods who in fairness are doing their jobs.
My proposal would be, perhaps to scrap these rules, but keep the mods. The role of the mod tho would be to just sit in the background and be there when needed in extreme cases i.e. abusive behaviour, racism etc etc.
Mods are on this site to make new friends too, but how can they do that if every two mins their pasting in NO CAPS, NO WHISPERS NO DIRECTING...and so on?
If a person uses caps, so what? It's just a few caps, nothing more.
If some1 whispers you, so what? Ignore them, and soon they will go away. If these whispers become abusive then u can just whisper a mod and ask them to deal with this person. Simple.
Directing. This should be down to the cammers discretion. Alot of cammers don't mind the directing as most of them just ignore it. Also there are some who don't like it, and again they can just ask this person not to direct themselves, or they coulld whisper a mod to help them out.
If a person gets kicked/banned for a day for breaking the rules, especially abusive ppl, they can come back the next day and be all goody goody obey the rules. I feel this way, ppl don't get to really see that person for the abusive person they are, so if they do meet them, their going to be meeting some1 who was pretending to be something their not.
If this constant bickering continues, this site will fall apart and drive lots of genuine ppl away to other sites that aren't like kindergartens.
So to conclude, i think perhaps admin should review some rules and take peoples ideas on board, to make this site what its supposed to be. A fun place to meet genuine like minded ppl who want to swing. These are just my opinions and ideas, but if any1 else has any ideas i would like to hear from them and discuss them.
Kind Regards,
P.S. i reckon at least 99% of new members that come onto this site just click on the chatroom link, and don't even bother with the rules.
hi all
i read the forums a good bit like to keep up to date with what is happening how ever lately they seem to be a battle ground about the following:
(1) People breaking the rules--- this is a constant argument
(2) he said she said antics -- come on we aren't in a play ground we are all MENT to be over 18 yrs of age consenting adults so why can't we all act like adults
(3) about 1 particular mod and rules
Now before any one bashes me lol i want to say that no one should be abused on the site and yes ppl should be able to defend themselves but some of the arguments in chat are ridculous... maybe others don't agree with me and thats fine....
i agree with mrhorny that some rules should at least be reviewed as one of the main arguments is people breaking rules and mods...
yes mods should be there but like mrhorny says they should be there in the back ground to help and assist people who need help loading pics or help because they got sum abusive messages...etc.....
there is more important issues in chat other than using caps for one ... the likes of racism or ageism or any sort of abuse shud be the main thing being looked at to make the site a more happier site...
I am inclined to agree in the basic feeling that rules are rules & moderators are required so is consistancy between the moderators
May be as you have said some of the rules are of more importance to the membership & harmony of the board than others.
What are the biggest concerns of the users in the chat rooms=
Capitals being used
Derogatery remarks
Homophobic comments
Undesired whispers
Disrespecting members/moderators etc.
Yes i agree to mods are necessary but they could be used in a more appropriate way ... ppl must remember mods are here to meet ppl to and have fun n chat .... but instead sum of them are getting a hard time cos sum of the rules arent as important as they are made out
like you ask>>>>>>>>>>
What are the biggest concerns of the users in the chat rooms=
Capitals being used
(this would be last on the list of importance to myself as sum ppl like to use caps as a way of expressing themselves)
(this should not be tolerated no matter what)
(em a swing site isnt really a place to discuss politics however we do live in a democracy not a dictatorship so ppl are entitled to freedom of speech and their own opinions)
Derogatery remarks
(this shouldnt really be accepted either however we all have to face sum sort of remarks throughout life and sadly i hate to say it there are sum ppl who just come on the site to slag ppl of to get a reaction or to cause trouble, i feel ppl shouldnt give them any air time in the site for that)
Homophobic comments
(this shouldnt be accepted in this day and age we are all entitled to like what ever sex we want and feel. ever one is made diff thats what makes the world go round)
Undesired whispers
(if whispers do annoy a person they should just report it as pasting whispers in can disrupt the room and cause arguments)
(again not acceptable)
Disrespecting members/moderators etc.
(well ppl should disrespect others but it happens and some times happens un intentionally as we all have diff views and diff opinions on things and ppl can sometimes take these things to heart instead of accepting its there point of view)
sorry i ment the following
Disrespecting members/moderators etc.
(well ppl should NOT disrespect others but it happens and some times happens un intentionally as we all have diff views and diff opinions on things and ppl can sometimes take these things to heart instead of accepting its there point of view)
well westside thats why this forum was set up not to argue now with ppl but just to try make the site a bit easier to be on as recently alot of arguments have been over the rules and ppl breaking them or not realising they have broke them etc... sum rules i think need to be relaxed a bit as sum ppl genuinely do make a mistake say of whispering wrong person or type in caps by accident
Just a few ideas....
I agree with the removal of the Caps is iratating to see a warning pop up every few minutes....its not how you say it...its what you say....if what is said is in anyway abusive, racist, homophobic or offensive for any other reason then a mod should step in and sort it out.
As for whispering...I know of a few sites where people have the option of pressing an 'ignore' button beside a persons name which basically blocks that persons post from appearing on my screen if i chose to ignore them...whether a post is whispered or this possible to include in any future upgrades??
The ban on cam directing could also be removed with the ignore button're on dont like the directing from someone...just hit the ignore button...end of problem... could end up an irratating person could end up talking to themselves in a full room!!!
Just to reply to one thing in your post Westside....three times i have contacted admin...the first time i had a good conversation with them through a set of emails....the last two i have had no reply....didnt really bother me...just wondering could this be altered too....even a reply from admin to say we're not going to reply to your email because of x y or know what i mean....
cant think of anything else to mouth off doubt i will later on....but its great to see this constructive discussion taking place...
Glad to see some ideas being put in here as this was exactly why i wrote this thread. Josh, i like your idea of the ignore option, as i too have also seen this on other swinging sites and makes things alot easier. Another possible new feature i would suggest, would be say, being able to set a restriction on who can whisper you. If your a fem, and your only looking for fems, then u can set it up that only fems can whisper you, or couples can set it so only fems and couples can whisper them and so on and so on. If you've set it up that u don't want whispers from males, but u need to whisper them, then there would be a right click option on their name and allow this user to whisper you. Just an idea and any others i'm sure would be greatly welcome.
Would it be possible ...until any changes to the rules are decided on....for a mod to whisper a warning to the person in question who has used caps or is reported as a whisperer...I think a personal warning might have the desired effect would also stop people being irrated by the warnings appearing on screen every few minutes during busy times???
I it worth a try...
I have to say i find this thread most interesting, especially in the light of what i witnessed last night on site (and have heard tell of lots of recent instances similar to this ) - not going to mention any names, but i'm sure those involved will know who i mean as i made several comments regarding the situation at the time, as did others in the room.
I agree wholeheartedly with the need for mods, there are plenty of pure assholes out wife has been abused a few times in public rooms and we have needed the services of a moderator, and were glad for their presence. However, there is a real need for consistency in the application of the site rules by the mods, and also a common-sense attitude from them. for the most part this is the case, but as mrhdc (hiya mate) quite rightly says, the lack of consistency is causing unrest, confusion, and in some cases anger amongst us non-mod users. Yes, the rules are there for a reason, and should be adhered to in a general sense, but the mods themselves are not above ignoring them if it suits their purpose, and who polices the police?
Well, my feeling is it's up to all of us on here to reach a consensus amongst ourselves as to what is and isn't acceptable behaviour. For ourselves, if someone whispers and we don't want to talk to them, we just ignore them, unless it gets abusive. If someone tries to direct when we r on cam the same applies.
I think yer man Joshsligo is bang-on with the ignore button...i've seen it myself on numerous chat rooms and it works a treat, and as stated by mr and mrs hdc4 abuse of a racial, sexual, or other unfounded nature should not be tolerated, but as for the rest, well, we r kinda ambivalent.
You can't legislate for idiots coz then we all feel like one, and i'm not keen on that route - prefer more freedom, but with freedom comes the duty to act in a responsible manner (relatively speaking of course). The same applies to power (re the mods).
What i'd like to see is a site where people are free to disagree with each other, and the mods, without the threat of being kicked or banned held over us, but where the users (thats us people) exercise some basic respect for each other and their choices.
Ok, said my piece, but as i said to the mod concerned last night i will be emailing admin with reference to his behaviour last night - my feeling is he needs to either start behaving like a real human being or have his mod status revoked - not just because of last night, but because of everything i've heard from people who have no need or reason to lie to me.
cheers y'all...and lets be sexy out there!
Andy (mr j_and_a)
All due respect to j_and_a and to westside...but please do not turn this thread into another argumentive wandering thread....please post a new thread to sort out the probs ye have
This is the most constructive thread I have seen on this site...thanks to mrhornydubcpl4 for starting it...
If it breaks down into an argumentive thread then we may as well turn the server off for this site
I myself have been guilty of adding to arguments in threads...but please give this discussion on rule changes a chance to continue into something that will add to the enjoyment of this site for everyone...
and dont forget the validation verification system in the upgrade ,its the fakes that are killing me on this site!!arguing i can ignore but when you are tryng to meet someone and theyre intention is to set you up or catch you out it ruins it for me my ideas were posted in annother thread but basically a vote system wold be an idea any more ideas welcome
cheers guys
So far so good with this thread ,Yes it is a chance for all to constructivly contribute ideas or thoughts as a means of pointing out ways that could be used by Admin to change or improve the whole site.
This is maybe only the tip of an iceberg but to lay out to many points would maybe cause further problems ,If this thread can develop without any arguing or backlash then it may be a BIG FIRST
The bigger picture for me rite now is are ADMIN capeable or willing to listen to the members,take the concerns or ideas on board & actually give some type of ballanced responce :-?
anyone know when the upgrade is ?
true i undestand mr what your saying about the validation on other "pay" sites
what im suggesting is a voting system to prove your real ive seen you and mrs on cam (and yummy) so i can give u one vote the more votes you have the more credible you are .same goes for a meet if i had met you all went well id give you a vote and maybe a 5 star rating bit if you were an asshole or had hygiene probs id give a one star rating this would weed out the fakes .
So if you get a low star rating or low
vote you think fuk this im gonna make a new profile, it would be of no benefit to you cos your rating goes back to 0 again .
Another prob would be people who want to stay in background which is fine too and they want to stay anonomous that could be solved by asking dolly or other mods to enter a private room for a validation (to prove your male or female not a fake) then that mod would give u 1 validation vote without anyone else seeing you
please add your points good or bad
I do t hink the validation system is in some ways good, but it has way too many possible flaws for a non-paysite. As you say some1 can vote on u regardless whether they have met you or not, seen you on cam or not. Therefore, for example, my missus gets tons of whispers a day, and to her credit tries to reply to most of them, but can't reply to them all. So all the ones who dont' reply to her, think, ignorant b*itch, i'll give her a low rating, and a few others do the same, before you know it, our rating is very low and ppl think we're something we're obviously not. So as i say it is a good idea, but in the end ultimately, personally, i think it would fail.
Hi guys. We don't use the chat here very often and going by what we have been reading in the other threads maybe it's just as well! Is there no ignore button in use in chat here?! It's a very basic thing and comes in handy when someone is being, let's say, beyond annoying. Also if a member were being abusive to another member in chat would it be better if it took three members to complain and then ban the abusive one? If that were to happen would there be anyone left in the chatrooms?? :laugh:Am kidding so no need for anyone to kick off ok. Being members on another site we see verbal abuse go on also and rarely is there a mod to sort it, but the rule is if three members complain to admin about the abuse then the person is banned for a few days not just a day. A day isn't long enough in some cases. We agree 100% that it would be very useful if there was a way to verify the real people from the fakes in here. Great thread and have enjoyed reading it!
were asked for, so i contributed. I deliberately refrained from naming anyone concerned when i briefly gave my reasons for posting, there was nothing i can see even remotely argumentative about it, i think u got the wrong end of the stick a bit there. :grin:
As for westside, pfah, my time is too valuble to be getting into longwinded arguments about shit with him, life's too short and i got much better things to do.
to westside.
Just as a point of information, i wasn't posting because of tussey, i was posting because i had something to say about mrhdc's subject, and was reflecting in the light of an incident i had personally witnessed.
don't take this as an indication that i'm gona get drawn in by you, i'm not. if u got something u wanna say to me, send a message thru the site.
sorry for that josh, had to make it clear tho! 8)