I know this post is going to cause some controversy. I was off the scene for about 10 months or so as in I wasn't meeting or going to parties. Now I'm back and well I did know I would have to put in some work to get known again on the site. Problem is now I'm back and raring to go but it seems the singles aren't very popular anymore. Party hosts tend to be looking for couples only. Those inviting singles ask you to find a male to bring along. So my thing is, are the singles not wanted anymore and if so why? Is it because I'm a single straight female and well couples obviously don't want that on a one to one meet, but why not at parties. Or has the single female now got a similar reputation to the single male?
Feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong.
This has been going on for a while now i think, and it seems that most of the singles are all now coupled up with other members from the site.
There are hardly any single "singles" anymore but it's probably only the cycle of things at the moment.
People drift in and drift away and some drift back again.
I'm sure as a beautiful single lady, you are going to have no issues getting invites to stuff, as the single ladies are still and always will be more popular than the males.
Its good to see you back.
Sorry to hear that Sparks, things are bad when the gals are getting snubbed - maybe its time for a few singles only parties ;-)
Sparks ive def noticed this too. Maybe its a case of wanting to keep numbers even but in that case only invite couples.
Id be fairly miffed if I got a party invite that stated I had to bring a partner
Sparks im orgainising a party at mine shortly and you will most definately be getting an invite!