I used to shag me arsehole ex's boss's wife.
I fed my ex dog food when I found out he had been with my so called best friend and "accidently " dropped his phone down the toilet
15 years full stretch...No remand..
Posted a guy's name and mobile number on a gay contacts messageboard, claiming to be looking for "no-strings fun with experienced older men".
Because that's what you get for fucking with me.
threw his phone in the mop bucket, stole his sim card and posted his no. on gay website
(he never got any calls)and text his girlfriend pretending to be him, yes she dumped him, cut his hair while he was asleep, bloody hell the list is endless, REMEMBER, dont piss ME off lol:taz:
Had my suspicions that a fiance of 6 years was cheating with a best friend of broke up and her granny died about a month later and yes i went to the funeral and yes i was treated like shit at it.D-day came about 4 months later when low and behold around a cornor came Caroline and her new bf.I crossed the road,he went white ,she backed away a bit and i said ,"hows things,how are ye getting on" ,had a chat for about five mins,gave her a peck on the cheek ,wished them the best and walked well is the best revenge ,thats my i heard recently that they are now married so hope their good.
..... is a dish best served cold.
never been the revengeful type..... but see when I do oh god its so gonna be worth it I will have the last laugh lol .................
iv ordered fills of oil, chimney sweeps etc on one bollox that annoyed me, put soneones car up 4 sale for rediculous money (Their fone was reddened with people ringing them ) and left a few breeding pairs of mice behind me when moving out of a house ( landlord screwed us over with the deposit) and thats only the tip of the iceberg
I find karma takes d revenge needed.... revenge is just too mind consuming tbh....