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Warming the Bed
Dear agony page, I think Dr Dora may be the only one who can cure red-hot unrequieted lust. Where can I get my prescription filled? hypochondriac Pete (the wailing wolf)
Sex God
Dora this is just so sad it beggars belief,I found it in the in-box lying below your damn thongsrolleyes
Dear Doctors,
Where do I begin, at the start I guess, last year whilst passing my neighbours back garden, I caught a glimpse of her washing, blowing gently on her rotating line.. A strange urge came over me, stepping over her fence ,I crept towards a wonderful vision..
Flapping, spinning madly, seemingly drawing me closer, were a pair of what I thought at the time was her sexy bondage gear..pic included I couldn't help myself, snatching them off the line I dashed home..
God it felt good, such a pleasure slipping them up my legs and over my thighs, the 100 percent stretch polyester teasing my skin..
Then the door-bell went ladies, I struggled to remove mt new apparel, but found it impossible!!!!!!!!!
For the last six months they have been glued stuck to my body, please don't ask how exactly I have tried to remove them, the pain is unbearable..
Ladies can you help? I am runing out of excuses as to why I am not able to leave the house, how many hernias can man have???????
Yours in hope...
Master of Sex
Dora's 1 day old thongs or an unclaimed 6 month old ski-pants? Hmmmmm; will have to ponder on this quandary a while longer!
Sex God
Be afraid very afraid. MY professional opinion is "We will have to operate".
Sex God
I think I am cured...well the voices tell me I am...
so a big thank you to Nurse Dora & Doctor Goldenknicks the best Doctor & Nurse team on Swing4

THANKS ...worship:welcome::thrilled::inlove::evil2::bounce::bounce::bounce:
Sex God
Is there still a Doctor or Nurse in the house ... I feel a problem coming on....

could it be swine Flu or do i just need a facial
Sex God
Try this look it is all the rage at the moment
Sex God
But will it cure Swine Flu...I don't have it but want to be prepared ...will you be making house calls if I am in need
Sex God
Can this Nurse visit me
Sex God
Gee look who got out of bed to help, Doctor Dora worship
Sex God
errr??? head??? i just read your post, and do you mind if i make a simple thing of this, your on a swing site, on your own, married, ??? and ur profile suggests you are open to meeting women,,,,,,,, if you wife knew you was on here, what would be wrong in her meeting someone else??? you know the saying, whats good for the goose, is good for the gander, before complaining about what the wife may or may not be doing, maybe make sure your as clean as a saint first,
Quote by user=head46
Dear Addies and Dora,
I have never written to you befor but I realy need your advice.
I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating,the usual signs;phone rings,if I answer the caller hangs up,going out with "the girls" a lot and when I ask their names it's "you don't know them".I try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home, but I ususally fall last night I decided to finally check on her, around midnight I hid in the garage behind my golf clubs so to get a good view of the whole street when she came home from her night out with the girls. When she got out of the car she was buttoning her blouse which was open and she took her panties out of her purse and slipped them was at that moment crouched behind my golf clubs I noticed it...
A hairline crack where the grip meets the graphite shaft on my 3 this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to the pro-shop?
Sex God
Well Head46 and Dr Dora dont jump to conclusions here. Her buttons may have just been ill fitting and kept popping open - very inconvenient I know - and also those nylon knickers are sooo uncomfortable .......
Sex God
Dear Dora and Co, Padd's here and need both your guidance and assistance! me being the ever troublesome Padd's. It's my Pet frog, I think he has hiccups, spends his day saying "ribbit" he looks uncomfortable? Should I ingest "nil by mouth" and feed him nothing but water? or should I introduce him to a Female? I am at a loss, your expert guidance is required. Padd's
Padds dont bother with a female they will only give him heartburn..give him motilium:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Sex God
Padd's fooks the Lettuce out the window.
Raven, why thank you (kiss)....... Freddie frog,,, just leaped off the motilium worked,,,,, ffs freddie stop (((((((((((((((((farting)))))))))))))))))
Quote by user=ravenfire
Padds dont bother with a female they will only give him heartburn..give him motilium:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
:haha:Oh my the dirty little frog:haha: Suppose sticking a cork up it`s bum wouldnt help....little freddy would explode in more ways than one:haha:
Sex God
But the Cork didn't work he still has the hiccups and as for the leaping about?
Any suggestions?
Quote by user=ravenfire
:haha:Oh my the dirty little frog:haha:
Suppose sticking a cork up it`s bum wouldnt help....little freddy would explode in more ways than one:haha:
I hear Frog legs in garlic butter are tasty:giggle: