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hi cant seem to get into chat room today any one help me
Sex God
Quote by user=shabbadelicious
hi cant seem to get into chat room today any one help me

No !! You were banned for appearing on cam with a potnoodle!!:fuckinghell::grin:
Sex God
Quote by user=dora
...she should be brought into a padded room .. where her husband shows her one pic at a time for as long as it takes.. (at least 48 hours is recommended)..until she cant take it anymore..she will not be able to look at one more pic from then on and she will be cured...

Dora, I would say she'd be more than cured. She'd never want to see another cock again in her entire life! :scared:
Sex God
Quote by user=BullAndBoo
...she should be brought into a padded room .. where her husband shows her one pic at a time for as long as it takes.. (at least 48 hours is recommended)..until she cant take it anymore..she will not be able to look at one more pic from then on and she will be cured...

Dora, I would say she'd be more than cured. She'd never want to see another cock again in her entire life! :scared:
Dora staff meeting, urgent!!!
Looks like we may have failed:O:O
Sex God
I think he kilt her in a jealous rage Dora, and is lumping the blame on us:scared:
Sex God
Nope Dora read the lets meet up hun, wee three stars has a sore jawinnocent:giggle::giggle::giggle:
Sex God
Quote by user=dora
you mean the 'bugger the roses?? '

Next one ya eejit..*slaps Dora and removes bottle from in front of her*rolleyes
Sex God
Quote by user=dora
aaaaaaaaaaa hhhaaaaaaaaaa...( Dora falls on floor laughing......).....OMG...OMG....Addies that was so funny...gimme more drink ffs...

No ya drink soaked aul wench, not until you sort a few of these problems out!!!
*Locks Jack in cupboard*
Sex God
Dear Addies and Dora. I hope you can help. My man has become even more horny than before since we joined this site, and he's wearing me out ffs. My lips are numb - all of them - and my jaw is about to fall off. Any advice? Posted on behalf of someone else by this someone else's caring friend Boo.
Sex God
Quote by user=BullAndBoo
Dear Addies and Dora.
I hope you can help. My man has become even more horny than before since we joined this site, and he's wearing me out ffs. My lips are numb - all of them - and my jaw is about to fall off.
Any advice?
Posted on behalf of someone else by this someone else's caring friend Boo.
Dear Someone. *cough*. Boo
Dora is well ,,,hmmmmmmmmm pissed at the moment, she took a hammer to the drinks cabinet and downed our weekly supply...
So until she sobers up, I am sending a few plastic cups, slip one in your mouth, it will ease the strain..
Back soon..
Warm huggs Addies...
Sex God
Dear *Someone.. Okay hun Dora and I discussed your problem long into the night,(oh you can take the plastic cup out by the way)we feel that yor man needs some CBCT... CBCT or Cogniative Behavioural Cock Therapy for you lay people, was the brain child of none other than Miss Dora herself.. Now *someone you must sit yor man down, naked of course, both of you, sit facing him, and moan passionatley, shift yor arse around, you get the idea? Now when he begins to rise, slap him hard, when it droops, repeat the excersise until it learns some god damn manners!!!!! Dora and myself have also feel that as you are exhausted, we are willing to call around and take over for a few hours, then you can sit in the corner and watch.... Warm hugggs and goodluck.. Dora and Addiesxx *Boo....
Sex God
Hi Addies and Dora. Bull here, I really need your help. I'm afraid the cock pic problem has not been solved, not by a long shot. You see, Boo does not consider a naked public flogging "punishment", not in the sense that most of us understand the word anyway. She would enjoy it far too much. We need to think of something else. I just don't know what to do anymore. Although she has removed the pics from the ceiling (bar one or two that are stuck there), I keep finding them elsewhere, often at quite embarrassing moments. For example, in this last week I had to retrieve a folder from my briefcase in my (female) boss' office, and inside the folder were....yes, cock pics. My boss has been giving me odd looks and keeping her distance (and closing her office door for longer than usual, and dropping the blinds). I'm also finding them in the car, behind the radiators in the house, and even in the garden shed. Now my real problem is not the pics themselves, I mean I have no problem with cocks, I quite like them actually. My problem is, there are no pics of MY cock. I've had a careful look at all these pics, and don't see my own cock anywhere. I'm sure I've seen them all, and I'm obviously quite familiar with the look of my own member, I've become so over the years. What do you think I should do? I'm worried that Boo will think I'm insecure if I ask her to hide pictures of my cock in with the others. It also might make her mad (and believe me you don't want to do that) if she realises I also look at all her cock-pics. Do you think I should put some pics of my own cock in without telling her? Or is that too dangerous?
Sex God
'Dora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! git your skinny arse over here now!!!!!!!, Did you tell me that Three stars give Running Bulls' permisson for her to send us his coc pics?? Ya lyin bints the pair of ye!!! He is on whingin, rambling about, floggings, cocs, frustrated female bosses, is there no bloody end to these pair!!!'... Dear Bull.... Dora and I are out for the day, but don't fret sweetie, we will sort out this mess, asap! *cough* nice pics by the way:lick: Warm huggs..Dora and Addies.... ps please feel free to use the plastic cup we sent someone, place it over your member in work tomorrow, taht will solve the problem of the horny boss....
Sex God
'Yes addies she did!!!!!!!, she told me to call at the house to collect the pics, I met the postman coming out smiling, and there was a string of cars!, guys of all shapes and sizes!, twas like a singin tea-party in Donegal... Hmmmmmm your right we better thread carefuly with these pair'.......
Sex God
Dear Bull, Sorry it took so long to reply, but Dora and I needed to gather as much evidence as possible, before deciding how best to help.. We decided that you and *someone could benefit from our HOCT..Hubby Only Coc Treatment... *Someone must be visualy forced to face her problem, so we blew up pics of your wonderful member and pasted them around town. Namely the Post-Office, your place of work, local pub, supermarket, entrance to neighbours drive ways, place of worship( we were not sure of correct choice so we plasterd them all) bank ect ect... Now *someone can not avoid said member, and hopefuly realise the error of her wanton ways.. Failing this we think a good witch-hunt by the locals, could be a possibility, followed by a dunking in the local pond, all while you watch on cam in the comfort of our beudoir... Warm huggggggs Dora and Addiesxx *Boo
Sex God
Quote by user=dora
where are the prawns Addies??

'No prawns Dora, only the best for these pair, there is a tin of kippers in brine, at te back of te cupboard, throw them on a bit of ryvita, very posh!'
Warming the Bed
Dear Addies and Dora, I must say fantastic thread, only thing is now i have a problem reading the thread, i cant stop wetting myself laughing.:giggle: fantastic job guys, keep up the good work. U guys could make a career out of this lol
Master of Sex
:rose: get well soon Addies, we miss you, its amazing what the Doctors can do nowadays put you in a blender and hey presto, All better, If ya dont need the botox anymore, can i have it , please, Dora, your doing a grand job there, providing a valuble service to the community kippers and ryvita for all, yummy
Sex God
its amazing what the Doctors can do nowadays put you in a blender and hey presto, All better, If ya dont need the botox anymore, I only needed a teeeeeeeeeeeeenie bit Bonkinsad:(
Sex God
I can not drink dahling until the bandages come off:smoke: oh fook it bring me a strawdrinkies
Warming the Bed
Dearest Dora & Addies Right, this is a very easy one for you S4I Veterns, how does one create an Avatar? Sincerly K x PS more complex Issues and problems will come in the future Im sure..
Sex God
Quote by user=westcpl4u
Dearest Dora & Addies
Right, this is a very easy one for you S4I Veterns, how does one create an Avatar?
PS more complex Issues and problems will come in the future Im sure..

Dear Westies,
Now it took moi and Dora quite a while to work this problem out, Dora is exhausted caring for me, since the op, plus her nocturnal activities are wreaking havoc with her faculties...
Anyhoo go into my pics, upload a suitable( no pussys or puppies hun, not allowed on swing) then enable avatar, well we think that is how it works:uhoh:
Love and huggs Dora and Addiesxxxx
Sex God
Dear Dora an Addiesfun, Please , please find the time to help, I know you are both busy, women of the world, but I need fashion advice pronto... About three months ago girls, I replied to a mail from a man, he and I began mailing, he was wonderful, charming, witty, nice ... We agreed to meet for a meal and a few drinkies, we clicked straight away, the hours flew by, never a dull moment or break in wonderful chat.. Being a little shy, I did not encourage any hanky panky on the first meet, my mother always told me, 'Assumpta, don't throw the dirty bedsheets out the window love, until after the ring is on your finger'... So we just got to know each other, caring mails, late night telephone calls, very late as he claimed he worked nights. I know that is true, because on his breaks he used to take his moblie to the toilets, and on occasions had to hang up when he was needed .. I recall one night after ringing his mobile, a woman ans , of course as he explained it was his secretary working overtime.. Poor man also suffers from a weird phone phobia, that prevents him from always taking calls, I suggested he get help immediately with that. Anyway girls, I have decided to ignore Mothers' advice, we are meeting tomorrow night, he claims he has something for me!, now I think it may be a ring, so do you think I should dress for the occasion, buy a new wee dress? or just act casual, as he is bound to be nervous.. Love Assumpta.
Sex God
'Dora, ya forgot to tell Assump that the bloke is married':haha:
Sex God
'Dora waken up ffs, just opened a letter , we are being sued by Lildick..omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. According to his brief, he took our fookin advice and bought a strap-on, he went on the rampage, avenging all the guys who ever made fun of him!!! Dora what the fook, will we do, sell your lingerie again???? I am not selling mine!!! I was saving that for funds for our trip to Vegas, oh god Dora open a bottle hun, what if we offered lildick a threesome???'
Sex God
Dear Bull,
Sorry it took so long to reply, but Dora and I needed to gather as much evidence as possible, before deciding how best to help..
We decided that you and *someone could benefit from our HOCT..Hubby Only Coc Treatment...
*Someone must be visualy forced to face her problem, so we blew up pics of your wonderful member and pasted them around town.
Namely the Post-Office, your place of work, local pub, supermarket, entrance to neighbours drive ways, place of worship( we were not sure of correct choice so we plasterd them all) bank ect ect...
Now *someone can not avoid said member, and hopefuly realise the error of her wanton ways..
Failing this we think a good witch-hunt by the locals, could be a possibility, followed by a dunking in the local pond, all while you watch on cam in the comfort of our beudoir...
Warm huggggggs Dora and Addiesxx

Bull writes:
Well you'll be most happy to hear that it has worked, sort of. You have made the whole town happy too, though I don't want to sound immodest and blow my own, er, trumpet(Jaysus, come to think of it if I could do that I'd never leave the house!). Oh, the minister of the local Presbyterian church didn't seem to happy, but then again happiness isn't something they do.
I do have a further request though. Could we, just to be absolutely sure, try the second part of your cure as well. I'll arrange the pond and the angry locals, you warm up the boudoir.....
Love, Bull.
Sex God
Dear Bull, Wonderful to hear from a satisfied customer, Dora and I are resting after a night of pole dancing to raise much needed funds, will get back to you asap.. Hugggs Addies and Dora.
Sex God
'Dora !!!!!!!! waken up, the kippers on ryvita worked hun, Bull has taken the bait, he wants to join us in the bourdoir, right get rid of that lump of plastic down the side of your chair, we hun is gettin the real thing!!! oh and I think old silyboxers should be invited, he's annoyed cause lildick didn't give him a trouncing, right Dora lets get cleaning hun, and for god sake change your bloody knickers, youv'e had them on a week!!!...'
Sex God
'Put your clothes back on Dora, looks like Bull and Silky pulled outdunno Would threestars have lock-jaw again:huh: and Silky, well he seemed very keen on the phone, ah well throw the kippers on the fire and open the bottle, feck them hun, they are men:bs: What did we expect, next time we ask the weemens:boo:
Sex God
Ah feck the problems Dora, lets take a night off hun, and play spot the dick on the cams, shift over , and remove that bloody dildo!!!! Aggie and Kim are coming around later, seems someone reported us to health and safety...againrolleyes