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It's only a few weeks into the season, Manchester United have made a good start as have Manchester City, Arsenal haven't made a great start but will surely improve and Liverpool will surely do well this season and are looking good so far. Question is who do you will think will win the league this season?
Sorry hun but im totally not interested in soccer... lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by shydublinguy
Shamrock Rovers lol

Have a red card for that LOL
Quote by loveheart
Sorry hun but im totally not interested in soccer... lol :lol: :lol:

loveheart...interested in different ball play ehhh :rascal: :giggle:
Quote by worshipme
Sorry hun but im totally not interested in soccer... lol :lol: :lol:

loveheart...interested in different ball play ehhh :rascal: :giggle:
Probably Worship, i'd give that a go anytime though ;)
Seriously? soccer talk on swing4!!! huh!! dunno :embarrased: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Quote by Wilder
Seriously? soccer talk on swing4!!! huh!! dunno
:embarrased: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Always remember each to their own Wilder biggrin
Quote by shydublinguy
Nothing wrong in a bit of soccer wink

I'm converted!!!! Finally a game of Soccer I'd want to watch!
Can't believe Man Utd lost 6-1 to City today!!
Who cares? The only soccer team I am interested in is our national side. Them premiership players are payed way too much, while children die of starvation all over the world everyday
but our internaional team is made up the very same premership players !! lol
Quote by Sugarloaf
Who cares? The only soccer team I am interested in is our national side. Them premiership players are payed way too much, while children die of starvation all over the world everyday

Well I do for one if you have no interest in soccer fair enough though, to each his or her own.
Yes Kool, but they dont get anywhere near what they get payed in the premiership, when they play for the national team.
Quote by TheStig11
Well I do for one if you have no interest in soccer fair enough though, to each his or her own.

Each to his/her own I can definitely agree with you on however soccer threads on a swing site have as much relevance as heresay in a court case Stig, Im sure there's thousands of soccer forums on soccer sites right? I seriously doubt there are swinging threads on soccer sites
:sleeping: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Slightly off topic but best of luck to Ireland against Estonia biggrin
Quote by Sugarloaf
Well I do for one if you have no interest in soccer fair enough though, to each his or her own.

Each to his/her own I can definitely agree with you on however soccer threads on a swing site have as much relevance as heresay in a court case Stig, Im sure there's thousands of soccer forums on soccer sites right? I seriously doubt there are swinging threads on soccer sites
:sleeping: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sugar there are many topics on the site that have absolutely nothing to do with swinging....the yes no game, this or that etc etc...just cos you don't like something doesn't mean it's irrelevant. And with regards to what they are payed well I don't see people complaining about what Brad Pitt or whoever earns for a movie...or what Pink/Lady Gaga/Bono etc earn from their music. The players are the show and it's better they get a good share of the money than the fucking owners who are making millions off their backs. And don't get me started on Bertie Ahern/Bush/ Obama etc making millions from companies as CEO's and stuff like it when they are mainly there to be leading our country...not profiting from it! I know Gaddafi was an asshole but the standard of living in Libya was pretty good. Now they will have no health care, free housing or even have a say in their oil cos the insurance companies will see to that. Where is the outcry about the scavenger oil companies rushing in to get the big deals in Libya?? it's like its a normal thing. Its a fucking disgrace but you have a go at some footballers??
On topic I think City will win it only cos the rest are poor. Liverpool, as my team, are never gonna get a Champions League place cos they are too inconsistent
Wow, intensus maximus!!! F'ing this & F'ing that is all I got from it. Cant believe my little three line post would unleash such a wrath of anger in you there Headball. I'd better email you my posts in future so you may proof-read them to make sure you approve before I go ahead & post :thumbup: Bush or Obama were never the leader of "our country" as you stated either dunno Oh yeah and I do like soccer, just dont agree with the enormous salaries some get smile Thumbs up for Ireland to beat Estonia & qualify. Come on the boys in green worship
But don't you think it's fair they get a big slice of the action rather than a rich owner getting all the money? There are other professions where someone gets big bucks for nothing like the head man of Barclays getting 20 million plus bonuses a year. That ok? Footballers at big clubs are showmen basically and deserve what they get for the money that's being thrown around. That's not to say I don't think it's too much I just think that as long as tv compaies etc are pumping money into football the players deserve to get their fair share And I put Obama and Bush in that sentence cos they run 'a' country , not ours but a they might not 'run' this country but they sure as hell are putting their hand in everyones business
Look Headball this is Stigs thread, its a soccer thread ok, whether I agree with it being here or not is irrelevant, its here and its here to stay. Its not a political thread, so if you wana talk world politics/NWO/Illuminati kinda stuff why not start your own thread? Stig, if youre reading this, keep your thread going, its not harming anyone, and Im sure there are many swingers that will contribute on a positive note. My apologies for slamming it down without thinking. You have every right to post about what you obviously have have a passion for :thumbup: Headball please just drop it now and dont respond, if you throw up a thread on politics in the forums I'll give you my two cents there ok?
Sorry Sugar for having a go. Must be that time of the month :/
headball, fair play man stand up for what u believe in lol :lol:
Hands kkgirl a big wooden spoon lol :lol:
Haha KK well I was Initially just trying to defend Stigs post, even tho it is maybe a bit irrelevant and then thought I had better defend the footballers while I was at it smile
Only 10 games or so now to go, although there is still a lot of games to be played it looks (to me at least) that Man Utd will win the league sad unless something drastic happens in the meantime.