The poster above
Wicked sense of humour.
The poster above me just farted. it wasn't me anyway....
A fab person for the posts! Love reading them. Be cool to meet sometime.....
Fantastic couple, made me more than welcome when I started posting again..
Wicked sense of humour..
Can never Drink creme de mente with a straight face after meeting her.
is so funny and a ride and a half
Has a great sense of humour
Nah... was me taking the picture...
Has a fetish for polar bears..
likes to answer questions
why is the sky blue?
where do we come from?
"Are those My feet" ????? ( Hackett)..
Should be willying to travel.....:welcome:
Jeeez louise.... I'll buy the ticket to
wants us all to bop
bop bop bop bop