Whoooheeee I find myself under virgo....what a blissful position :thrilled:
a great addition to the forum posters...welcome dubhead ...:welcome:
I've never met Alan, buy going by his posts I would say he is very genuine. Oh...and I have heard that he is an absolute gentleman.
where it the theme music from X files coming from..............The Truth is Out There....................xxxxxxxxxxxxx
What more can I say about this fantasic lady, she is warm, caring, funny and so lovely..
I honestly can't wait to meet her soon, but I doubt the other diners will get a word in edgeways with us
Dont know dubhead yet so to be nice a good slap on the bottie:haha::moon:
one very hot, raunchy lady:lick::lick:
He will love:evil2::evil2:
Love a witty woman, who shares my love of come dine with me.
A lovely lovely caring woman and I cant wait to meet her soon xxxxxxxxxx ((((((hugs))))))))
A sexy, funny, chatty lady...who loves tickles:grin:
Oh if only..ah well a woman can dream:lick::lick:
A bloke who is going to get a :kick: if he doesnt get to 2000 soon:haha: