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Politics: Bill clinton oval room style!!!!

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So is anybody out there glued to the American elections?
Oh yes riveted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Can't wait until the world media get a hold of this little nugget..
Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has given her first media interview and said the US may be bound to go to war with Russia if it invades Georgia again.....
Mc Cain and Palin..The Beavus and Butt head of American Politics........
Bring back Billworship
Ive always wanted to sit in a big office with a curvy brunette with cock sucking lips between me legs...cigars are optional. I wouldnt mind a Rattle at Sarah Palin, ewven if her politics do suck.
I wouldnt mind a Rattle at Sarah Palin, ewven if her politics do suck
Make the woman is a feckin lunatic!!!!!
But she does look well in a bikini innocent
:devil:glued to it in the hope that someone will detonate a very large bomb underneath the lot off them ,dosnt matter who wins they still want more war .
Barack Obama sealed his own fate when he dropped Clinton as his running mate Cain cashed in on that mistake and took Palin onboard, Americans just adore the big mouthy woman..God..guns and guts..the Republicans have it in the bag. Nuke them all...Love live Europe!!!
Ha Ha and yes she is a hottie.... bikini....hmmmmmm
Obamas campaign song has to be the worst piece of music I have ever heard ..actually to call it music is an insult .. pure muck
:fury:still dosnt matter who gets in we gave away our freedom when we allowed us warplanes to use shannon ,to transport arms and pows we are now as much a target as the brits and the yanks , dont think for one min that obama! is any less an evil bastard than bush
Great thing about opinons ... is you don't have to agreee with them.
having waited with baited breath when GW was up for reelection, only to be disappointed by the utter stupidity of the american public i've decided to hold my own for me, we'll put a fence round the good old US of A and shoot every last one of them that tries to get outduel If that brilliant (if i do say so myself) plan for some reason fails, i think im moving to mars'.:smoke::giveup:banghead:inlove:loon
Or maybe in with tusey :thumbup::yinyang::scared::giggle:
If Palin gets her way America will declare war on Russia so we are fecked I guess.. So make the most of it and swing.. But a-swingin', I must go; I must go. A-swingin', I must go; I must go. A-swingin', I must go while you critters down below, Yell up: "Sam, I told you so." Well, damn your eyes!innocent
:kuote user=losmags]having waited with baited breath when GW was up for reelection, only to be disappointed by the utter stupidity of the american public i've decided to hold my own for me, we'll put a fence round the good old US of A and shoot every last one of them that tries to get outduel
If that brilliant (if i do say so myself) plan for some reason fails, i think im moving to mars'.:smoke::giveup:banghead:inlove:loon as long as we have 1st shot at the feckers :kick:
Obama: 'Change has come' Yes!! he achieved the almost impossible, a Black President in the US!!! Well Bi-Racial but he prefers to call himself black, wonderful moment in history, his speech was inspiring, lol.... Palin can go back now to doing what she does best, driving her poor kids to hockey and lookin good in a bikini!
oh and don't forget hes part Irish :giggle: ..I cant put link up but type in " as Irish as obama " in to you know where .... pure genius!!
:clap: yes history has been created ,but dont hold your breath for change ,as we said above , obama is just the lesser off two evils ,just watch and see whos pulling his strings :P
The Garda have pulled over four members of the ku klux klan in a car in were going to killbarack :giggle:
Quote by user=head46
The Garda have pulled over four members of the ku klux klan in a car in were going to killbarack :giggle:

I got an email this am, claims he has taken a heart attack, it can not be true... can it..:cry:
jeez addies I didnt hear that .....hope notsad
Someone was havin a bit of fun there, Obama's grand. Ticker still tickin away.
:Phar har bush has just put a rocket up obamas ass ,he,s committing yet more sick in the head phycopaths (redneck gi joes)to the killing fields off afganistan and iraq to protect us oilinterests, lets wait and see if obama ,pulls them out as he has said he will do. or will he bow down to his pay masters , and continue to protect the bussiness intrests of the us and there imperial wars .watch this space .:sticky:
:P shite silly us he has all so stated that he will close gamtamamo bay concetration camp .fantastic for a country whos contuition stated that black people are only 3/5 a man .to have elected a mixed race president . but we still belive him to be the lesser off two evils :kick:
Quote by user=head46
jeez addies I didnt hear that .....hope notsad

It was a spam email Head..ooops sorry..
Studied the guy a lot on the news last night, to hell with his policies, the US ain't worth shit no loner, but god he looks good in a suitboink