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photo models wanted

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firstly, i can't afford to pay whoever is chosen so don't expect it secondly, there will be nudity, but no sexualacts even though the photos may appear slightly erotic. what the models themselves want to do after is entirely up tothem but will have to do themselves elsewhere thirdly, remembering these are not pornographic photos, they will be artistically based, both models must be comfortable with the finished pieces being displayed to others. also please note on this, the female will for the majority be only seen from the back, the male will have much of the face hidden and also will receive a level of make-up to suit the picture (see below for more details) finally no time-wasters, this will be a one day photo shoot for this piece, i don't want people saying they will come then not show up as much work will be needed to set up before, e.g. lighting etc. SPECIFICATIONS: male model: tall, aged 20-30, dark (black would be best) hair, not tight cut must have at least a little length Female model: average hight, hair colour and length not important, curvy figure most appropriate, see references below N.B. in both cases looks are not very important no-one has to be a stunning and unbelievably gorgeous to apply PHOTOS reference and starting point, Man Rays 'le violin d'ingres (i recommend googling this image to get an idea of the shoot) the womens figure will recieve make up in the form of F holes (see photo reference) she will personify the instrument of a cello in a number of poses, those with male model, the female will be played like the instrument Note: these poses may be seen as mildly erotic. Female will be nude, however if wanted the front of body can be covered and possibility of boots and underwear for shots with male model the male figure will remain heavily clothed in black to contrast the skin tones of the female, however face will receive make-up to give a gaunt paleness to the skin, dark glasses will also conceal the eyes iF INTERESTED simply send me a message saying you are interested and i'll take it from there. finally note i can only have one male and one female model