Too many messers on here who say they will turn up for a meet then dont have the courtesy to contact people to cancel or otherwise !! Dont know if we can name and shame but would love to be able to !!!!!!!!!!!
have u had loads?
you should make sure they are comments...
ask around about ppl before you meet them..
i doubt if u should/could name and shame..
sorry to hear you are falling foul of the messers.. chin up there are some lovely
real genuine people on here!
As frustrating as it is, you are not allowed to name and shame.
Its part of the lifestyle that really sucks, but Gingerfire has given you some good advice.
Hope you get back on track soon. Try an meet and greet so people can see what you are about and you can see what they are about.
This happens to us all on here from time to time it's something that goes hand in hand with any site like this sadly and it's happened to me a few times as well so I know the feeling as well there.
I'm not sure about making sure people are established as I've found it hasn't made a whole lot of difference to be honest and just because they are not verified doesn't mean they are not nice genuine people all the same and I mean anyone on here who isn't verified not anyone in particular.
Hi guys
Many thanks for your advice. The people in question are verified so that doesnt seem to be worth a hill of beans and we still think they should be named and shamed to stop them doing it to others and also teach them a lesson but we will be guided by your comments and desist from doing so.
Mr & Mrs Curiousor
Worship we already have guidelines in place and we do take on board and act on all abuse reports and follow protocol.
When any abuse report is submitted the content of that particular abuse report is followed up with the necessary action for that particular type of abuse and the severity of it, so there is no need for admin to list the types of abuse when a member wants to report it, it is self explanatory when we read it.
Fortunately there is only a minority who do not heed to warnings as for the others we do keep an eye on them ;) So all that you have suggested, we already have up and running :thumbup:
hi guys this will happen it happen me too and i was called a time waster as well xxxxxx
While we understand the frustration this kind of behaviour causes. If it is happening off site what really can admin do about it? We met a couple from another site who actually threatened us but the admin of that site couldnt help because the incident took place off site. Am very sorry this happened to you curiouser but unfortunately it does. Hope it wont put you off and that you will have loads of other positive experiences xxxxxxx
Oh no sugarloaf that's just not on at all whatever happend to discretion????