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Party Section Bugs & Faults

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Why does the party section sometimes not work properly? Here are a cpl of issues I have noticed the last two times we used the party section; 1) Sometimes when you send an invite to someone they click accept but nothing happens. The party section doesnt recognise the acceptance and so the guest isnt added to the list. This stops the hosts from sending out directions etc to everyone invited in a group mail as not everyone is added to the list. Therefore a member must email the non listed guests seprerately 2) When you send an invite to people they get a mail saying they are invited. What should really happen is they should get some type of popup once the mail has been accessed asking the recepient if they accept or decline. Otherwise most members dont realise they have to accept the invite through the parties tab on their profile page. Hey I aint complaining - the party section does work most of the time and is a fantastic feature on this site. Its just frustrating sometimes when you are organising and it doesnt work properly. Today I had to ask the same member to click accept after sending the invite 3 times!!! They clicked each time but were never added. They are added now so no biggie I suppose
I've passed this onto the techies, if there are any other issues just send in a ticket or a post in the help forum and it will be dealt with
Thanks for bringing these bugs / faults to our attention. I suspect the invite 'accept' issue is a browser compatibility problem (I bet it's Internet Explorer 8 or lower) because it doesn't happen for everyone. However I've passed them onto the technical team to investigate and resolve. Thanks, Griff.