One thing i've noticed is that there's a lot of single men on this site which, in a sense, takes away from this being a swinging website.
I've been thinking - a very dangerous thing for a kerry man to do - that us single men should try and encourage more women to get on this site. Maybe incentives could be used eg free gold membership for 6 mths for the 1st guy to get 15 girls to join.
What do ye all think?
...Not a bad Idea, but I would invest in some body Armour first if I was you, I think you might get a few wallops from most ladies for suggesting such, a lot of people have to come to the conclusion themselves that swinging is for them, and many in the whole don't have the same outlook on sexuality as the majority you find on the site.
True- tisn't something i'll mention at tea break tomorrow. I'm sure i'd get some strange looks:-)
I've actively encouraged my female friends to join this site - when I've known them well enough to be confident of their reactions to the matter. People with an open mind wouldn't take offence if approached in a respectful manner.
I've come across some sex mad women - mad as in the sense they want to fuck me lol- from other websites. I've told them about this site and hopefully they'll join.
I'm sure loads of ye guys are similar. We all benefit from having more girls on here.
cute go for it hun ...youd have nothing to loose an everything to gain
We know there is a recession but I doubt Admin would agree "free Membership for a period" next it will be "BOGOF" - Buy one get one free! No disrespect too the original poster.
Happy x
Here's the thing - i bet there's 100 single guys on line here right now as against 20/25 girls.
Surely there are ways we can up the number of women. How i don't know but i'm sure it can be done.
Personally i think this site is more than a swing site- to me tis more of a site where people come together in all shapes and forms cos they love sex.
One thing i've noticed is that there's a lot of single men on this site which, in a sense, takes away from this being a swinging website.
I've been thinking - a very dangerous thing for a kerry man to do - that us single men should try and encourage more women to get on this ]
You have only noticed all the single men now??? :giggle:
Ohhhhh I want so much to make a witty comment on the Kerry man thinking but I wont....LOL LOL LOL but if I was very very bold LOL LOL
Dragonstar, go on. I won't mind:-)
I managed to get a girl called aislings to join last night.
Lads, if i can do so can ye. I'm to chatting up women what tiger woods is avoiding water hydrants!
I think all the single guys come in handy(no pun intended)especially at parties. A ratio of maybe 3 to 1 is the guys a chance to reload, without interupting proceedings for the gals..who needs fag breaks:twisted:
Hehe.. you don't smoke, you smoulder eh Alan:devil:
:taz:However smouldering for the last 733 years 6 months 2 days 3 hours and 4 seconds is not normal. ( not that I'm counting or anything) sorry thats now 7 seconds.:taz: now 10 seconds.
Ive noticed Mulders is back:welcome:
I know Alan, the neighbours are complaining and the you were discussed at the conference on climate change. Perhaps we should have rain fall on you, that might quench you or at lest damp your ardour.
Thanks Louth for noticing. Yes back large as life (almost) and twice as ugly (I was shaved and taught to walk upright)
PS I must add as she is standing over me with frying pan MrsM is a very attractive woman and God only knows what she is doing with an old reprobate like me. Right I am off to sleep.
En Garde cherie. what's your pleasure epees or perhaps a rapier. Or recalling our pirating days maybe a cutlass. My blade is at your service rain if you have need of it. all for one and one in all, well you did say a good ratio is 3 to 1. that would make me the fourth musketeer. xxxxxxxxxxx Mulder.