May as well cover the North as well..
No hair to be caught in butter= Someone who is canny, or a person of ill repute.
Wains= Small Children.
Eat a childs' arse through a rod chair= A very hungry person.
Lamped= A very drunk person.
Close the windee=Close the window.
'What about yee' Hello how are you from I saw you last.
My Fave northern saying is 'Wind yer neck in' and funnily have heard it said by tyrone folk? it a tyrone thing? I think its along the lines of 'behave yerself' or 'dont be cheeky'
same as we saying down here 'i'll soften yer cough'
i'd eat a knackers arse trough a torn bush-im starving
Well as far as i know "wind ur neck in" has been around as a saying in england for donkeys years, meaning much the same....behave urself, calm a variation on the eating things thru things theme, Lilly Savage has a good one - I could eat a nuns arse thru the convent railings - which i'm very fond of:evil2:....the saying that is, tho i'm sure if i tried,
:P we never heard wind yur neck in until we went to live in england , but in our mad little town/city there are a few quare spakes ,we have flures and dures, floors and doors ,quare yoke can be anything good or bad ,skite a slap , or a glass off beer ie that fecker needs a skite .please may i have two skites off harp ,we allways go down to belfast and up to dublin .bullets = road bowls ,feck yer man can throw a quare bullet ,stab = a good looking girl, jesus boy yer wan theres a quare stab .in the jucicer dont ask for a glass off house red as 90% off the barmen in armagh will give you a tumbler of the local champage buckfast:O ps lamped =ko punch
'ya big slabber'..a loud mouth.
double dunder..two weeks dole money.
I'm orginally from antrim and wind yer neck in is used there quite a bit.
although my fav is he's got a neck on him like a parish priest - forward and no shame