Geena Davis starred in The Long Kiss Goodnight with Samuel L Jackson
Samuel L Jackson starred in THe Negotiator with Kevin Spacy
kevin Spacey starred with Gabriel Byrne in The Usual Suspects
Gabriel Byrnes starred with Jeremy Irons in 'The Man in the Iron Mask'
Jeremy Irons starred with Jeremy Irons in 'Dead Ringers'
"I'm not a gynecologist but I'll have a look"
Jeremy Irons starred in The Mission with Robert de Niro
Robert DeNiro starred with Nick Nolte in Cape Fear "Well excuse me all over the place!"
Nick Nolte starred in Tropic Thunder with Robert Downey jr
Robert Downey Jr starred in Natural Born Killers with Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis co-starred with Jennifer Lopez in Enough
Jennifer Lopez starred in Maid in Manhattan with Ralph Fiennes
Ralph Fiennes starred in The English Patient with Juliette Binoche
Juliet Binoche starred in The unbearable lightness of being with Daniel Day-Lewis
daniel day lewis starred in my left foot with brenda fricker
Brenda Fricker starred in Home Alone 2 with Macaulay Culkin.
Macauley Culkin starred in the Good Son with Elijah Wood
Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom..........Lord of the Rings
orlando bloom in pirates of the carribean with johnnyndepp
Jonny Depp starred in Sweeny Todd with Helena Bonham Carter
Rain starred with Mulder in " Are you sure it will fit".
Sorry just my deparved mind.
Helena Bonham Carter starred in Fight Club with Edward Norton.
Edward Norton starred in American history X with Edward Furlong
Edward Furlong starred in Pecker with Christina Ricci
Christina Ricce stared in Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp starred in Sweeney Todd with Helena Bonham Carter
who starred in fight club with brad pitt
Brad Pitt starred with Angelina Jolie in Mr & Mrs Smith
Angellina jolie stared with John voite in tomb raider,
sorry about the spelling lol
Jon Voight starred in Midnight Cowboy with Dustin Hoffman