On the contrary Worship...I was thrown in at the very deep end, I ended up with a seasoned group whose antics hardened me up for anything and made me more egar to get involved.
Ye know who ye are lol lol lol.......ye corrupted me lol lol
I had a lot of experiance of the lifestyle before i joined and to be honest i thought and still think the site can be very tame....should i start running now lol
Id venture to say that every member has had or will have a experience that did or will make them think about why they are here . We are adults , the choices we make are ours to make . The opinions and beliefs expressed by some will be daunting to others .But they are there's to have ,as it is there life , we don't have to follow the crowd or try to fit in. .As a person in your own right make the choices that you are comfortable with because after all you are the one who has to live with it .
Regarding others privacy , discretion is the name off the game , use it and you will be fine , don't and remember others talk about the good as well as the bad .
Remember that off site issues can NOT be dealt with on site , Naming and shaming is not tolerated on site but neither is aggression , The offering of illegal goods or services , bulling , any abusive behaviour to name but a few , If you are unsure , just ask , if a member off the mod team is not around to help , copy and paste the chat/whisper/pm and submit a ticket to admin for advice regarding it . All complaints are confidential .
Play safe to be safe ..