In another Thread, the point of "Moral Stances being discussed on a Swinger Site" was brought up.
So. Is Swinging, or an interest in Swinging, Immoral for consenting adults of sound-mind?
....without getting too deep into the nitty-gritty of psychology and sociology and religion and anything else....
I see nothing immoral about consenting adults having a hedonistic venture.
jo (who is doomed to eternity in fire and brimstone anyway)
Something of interest we can across below.
Some subjective scientific research into swinging has been conducted in the United States since the late 1960s. One study, based on an Internet questionnaire addressed to visitors of lifestyle-related sites, found swingers are happier in their relationships as compared to the norm.
[1] 60% of swingers said that swinging improved their relationship; 1.7% said swinging made their relationship less happy. Approximately 50% of those who rated their relationship "very happy" before becoming swingers maintained their relationship had become even happier.
90% of those with less happy relationships said swinging improved them.
Almost 70% of swingers claimed to have no problem with controlling jealousy; approximately 25% admitted "I have difficulty controlling jealousy when swinging" as "somewhat true", while 6% said this was "yes, very much" true.
Swingers rate themselves happier ("very happy": 59% of swingers compared to 32% of non-swingers) and their lives more "exciting" (76% of swingers compared to 54% of non-swingers) than non-swingers, by significantly large margins.
There was no significant difference between the responses of men and women
great posts guys.. I think that the wonderful thing about humans is their ability to seek out what they need in order to feel a sense of own view is that morals dont come into this lifestyle simply because swinging is not is simply a personal voyage of discovery into ones madonna so aptly put it...poor is the man whos pleasures depend on the permission of another.
I have to say I did question the morals of swinging we were discussing starting this lifestyle. Religion played a big part and a lot of the people we chat to and meet say that if their family knew about what they do they would not approve.
I for one feel that at the end of the day we are doing no wrong. Both of us get great pleasure out of swinging, our sex life is excellent and we are more open to new ideas. We have friends who have split up .. who only sleep with each other on the odd occasion and we are soooo glad we have the relationship we have. Sex is a massive part of any relationship and if the spice is there so too is the closeness. So morals aside I would like to ask to those people who condone us .....What harm are we doing to anyone ?? AND THE ANSWER IS NONE ... AND WE FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT ;);)
Dick and Jane :thumbup:
Swinging has been part and parcel of our culture and many others for centuries, In Biblical times sharing many sexual partners ect..was common.
It wasn't until the Bible became a book so to speak rewritten to suit the moral times, that any notion of this was wiped..
During the Second World War American silders spread the good news, and swinging clubs flourished..
Swinging isn't a pleasure that popped up in the 20th century, our forefathers ect..carried the flame before us, indeed in France Queen Marie was a renowned swinger , sadly she lost her head being a taker not a giver..
Morals have no place in swinging, designed solely to make us feel guilty.
Some great stuff there. Good points and well put. I think that the replies on this site to what are essentially academic questions show a quality not really seen on similar sites.
OK. so we may all be biased to one way way. But that is mot the point.
I have little to add....unless this comes up in another post.
Experienced swingers report that even after twenty years (!) of swinging, they are better able to talk with their partner and sort out unrelated problems than they would have been without the swinging experience.
You might wonder why a decent, attractive couple or single is looking to try swinging. There doesn’t seem to be a clear reason if they already have a partner to share sexual relations with. Do you really want to know?
Swinging is experiencing sex and intimacy with another couple or person because your current relationship is strong. You want to try something new and are curious about interacting with another person, gender, or sexual arena. And at the end of the night, you still go home with your partner—more open and more committed to each other.
Swinging opens up all kinds of things for a couple
Most of the swinging couples aren’t having troubles or are looking to change their relationship; they’re actually looking to increase their intimacy. Living out fantasies of being with another person in a safe and open environment can bring greater communication and appreciation of your partner.
Found this on the internet, any use who knows and isnt the internet a wonderful place lollol
Who decides what is imoral???? basicly it has been said in this thread that the church, or religion... The Bible was mentioned, well, not going to question there motives, but religon is about controlling the masses. What is more imoral?? coverting another mans wife, or letting people starve to death when u have the funds and wealth to save millions of lives???
Sam and I had a wonderful relationship before we started in this lifestyle too, we talked everyday and night, we still wanted to rip each others clothes off. So why?? well, thoughts, fantasies, desires.
If a man was to tell a room he was cheating on his wife, he would be a total Bastard to all in the room. If a couple was to tell the same room full of people they we're swingers, the whole room would call them perverts, sicko's.
But how many of the people in the room in there own minds would at the same time be thinking,mmmmmm i wonder??? or, "i always thought about having two men fuck me".
We are not immoral, we are just more honest with ourselves and our partners.
righto...i can see what's happened here...someone on the "drugs"thread mentioned taking a moral stand against drugs....i pointed out that more people would consider swinging immoral than smoking a joint. westie then suggested a thread about the morals of swinging...and here we are, confusing morals with religious dogma, getting all wrapped up in justifying what we get up to. ho hum. morals develop and exist outside the framework of religion, abrahamic or otherwise....societies that have no overt religious beliefs (there have been a few) still operate according to a code of morals...i.e. that which is considered socially acceptable behavior. That doesn't mean that behaving "immorally" is harming others, it means that the majority of society doesn't approve of the behavior. people who object to something on moral grounds generally do so because there are no prima facie reasons for doing so, but it offends their delicate sensibilities, so it must be wrong, which is why moral arguements have become the preserve of the religiously enfeebled...aggggh, don't get me started on religion ffs...i'm an atheist living in a very religious country...i feel like a man with one eye in the land of the blind. Ibelieve it was Carl Mark who said "religion is the opiate of the masses" ... i'm sure tussey will correct me if i'm wrong on that (ye pinko leftie!).
:devil:well we can give yous a lecture on karl marx next time your over, as for ireland been a religious country ,what a load off bollix , country off hypocrites .belive it or not we have had to face the horrors off church services a few times and to see the known killers, wifebeaters ,robbers ,the list is the altar rails makes our skin crawl,and just because they slip a few quid on to the plate there seen as moral people ,the so called christian church has no morals ,they preach about peace while been one off the biggest investors in the arms trade ,and had no problems backing the croatian nazis before during and after the balkan war ,so swing on people let your own morals guide you through life ,and dont worry andy your not the only non belivers ,theres a lot off us about:doggy:
Sex is emotion in motion.
Mae West .
End of ... Swinging rocks..big time..
losmags.....yep you're perfectly right (glad you didn't say some 'gobshite' linked the two threads).
But the two threads are linked. This is a side-ramble from the Drugs thread.