Quote by user=numberseven
In between that he helps you run the house is a role model for the kids helps you balance the books and is the one who has enough belief in himself that he doesnt need to know where you are every minute of every day. At the beginning of the thread the question was asked are men hunters etc, well the answer is all of those and a few more besides. Much the same as the women they are mothers lovers friends wives girlfriends and if you are lucky godesses. To sum it up Anyone who thinks this is a mans world think again. The ladies are in charge. A real man knows this but still retains his masculinity, there is no battle of the sexes. If we fight we all lose. Peace and love people.
Good post MulldernTcell. The majority of men in this country haven't a clue what their role is in life anymore.
I think the problem is that we're struggling to be too many things, partner, friend, lover, father, provider etc and achieving none of them properly. There's no central issue. It's a consciousness thing. If we're sensitive, we're weak, and if we're strong, then we're chauvinistic to find middle ground is impossible as the goalposts keep moving....I think it's better to just be ourselves and let women deal with it, rather than confuse ourselves trying to do it all. We're just not capable of it. We're simple creatures. Why fight it?...Maybe it's a question of respect. Women felt that men didn't respect them and set out to change things. But now, I think women have lost their respect for men and we've lost a lot of respect for ourselves. Maybe we resent the simpler life our fathers and grandfathers had. They had none of the expectations on them that modern men do. Their wives weren't reading about multiple orgasms in Cosmo and women certainly didn't expect their men to share their feelings. They'd have laughed at the thought. Carrie Bradshaw would have been put in a convent for life (cheers all round).
Maybe it's an evolutionary problem. We're descended from cavemen who had to hunt, kill and breed. That's it. That was their purpose. There's still a lot of that lurking in our subconscious and it means we struggle with all the emotional expectations that are on us now. We're not designed for it. That may sound like a cop out, but it makes a lot of sense to me.
You Tarzan, me Jane....
Now get on your back, there is work to be done!:doggy: