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love studnsexy

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id like to give my support to studandsexy,there 2 of the nicest people on this site and i love then dearly,just let them no what what they mean to us all,thanks
I have only met stud once and never met sexy but he was a kind gentle guy and from what i heard they are 2 gems and i would like to show them they are not alone. Thinking of you both
they arrange this fabolous meet and greets where people can become acquainted with one another. Regardless of the swinging aspect of these meet and greets people can make friends. there are too many people hiding behind taboos, true that ireland has become more liberated and maybe its hard to surprise anyone any more but i think there are worse things than being open minded.
Stud and Sexy. Don't let the bastards get you down. Your doing nothing to be ashamed of. Much love Yummy and along. XXXX
what can we say only, that we two love sexy and stud ,and they have our full supportworship:clap:
I am a total fan of studandsexy, having met them often they have my full respect,support and love,two nicer ppl u could not get. As for tabloid papers who take the high moral ground, perhaps they should look at themselves first before pointing any fingers, flick thru the pages and u will see at least one if not two pages of sex telephone lines adds, which have been paid for and banked into the coffers of these upstanding and morally correct!!!!!!news papers. The saying ppl in glass houses shouldnt throw stones , springs to mind :fury:..
Quote by user=slightlysexy
I am a total fan of studandsexy, having met them often they have my full respect,support and love,two nicer ppl u could not get.
As for tabloid papers who take the high moral ground, perhaps they should look at themselves first before pointing any fingers, flick thru the pages and u will see at least one if not two pages of sex telephone lines adds, which have been paid for and banked into the coffers of these upstanding and morally correct!!!!!!news papers.
The saying ppl in grass houses shouldnt throw stones , springs to mind :fury:..

here here and i add.....wolves in sheeps clothing also springs to mind.
well its bad enough when tabloids try to take the higer moral ground ----------- but when they fabricate lies to sell papers and ruin peoples lives in the process its totally dispicable. i know rose and george quite a while now - and there 2 of the nicest people i know on this site. that bitch may have sold a few newspapers today - but anyone that knows rose and george - and especially us that went to the meet in dundalk - know exactly what went on there - and so know that it was total lies that she very badly typed. rose and george - u have my total support - im behind u all the way Lou xxxx
Dont know you guys long, but you've always been nothing but nice to me, and I have to say shame shame shame on that paper and its editor for allowing such trash to be printed....but head high walk tall you did nothing wrong....there journo's need to cop on and see ireland has moved forward and we're not dominated by church any more...not in one other western country would you see such clap trap printed....swing is a fact of life....a way of life...they need to build a bridge and get over support for stud n sexy is 100%..xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jorge and rose.. u know us an we know yis,,,yea we have met a few times and enjoyed your company,,we like live4 were at that meetngreet and there was nothing sleezy about it,, jorge and rose have our total and utter support,love and respect,,:rose:worship:worship:
R&J just have to add our voice here. You are both wonderful people that should never have been attacked like you were today. Love you both and thank you for all the help and support you have given us in the past. Its time to return it now everyone, so you both have our support in everything you do. All our love, Askacouple.
have never met Rose or Jorge but have to say have seen them spend so much time on the site keeping things in order so others can have an enjoyable time in a clean and hassle free environment. I have not read the article and dont intend to as we know you dont belive what is printed in the press. The real members on S4I will be the poorer if ye are hounded out of S4I by persons who have such a closed perspective on life as it really is. Support 100%. John :clap: kiss
I personally don't know Jorge and Rose but know they are the Heart and Mind that keeps the whole site and by extension community going. All I can say guys is you have my support..... And to quote Bob Dylan.... 'Dont criticize(sorry i cant spell) what you don't understand...' Guys sleep easier in your beds because the right people are totally behind ya..... xxx Frank
Rose , Jorge you know how I feel about you both , you have made me and my family part of yours , and have helped me in numerous ways over the last few months , If I never had "fun" on swing , finding and having you both as my friends would have made my swing journey worth while , Love the two of you and am behind you 100%
Hi Jorge and Rose bonnyclyde here we wish u guys the very best and to say that if papers only have negitive things to say about us all well then they have nothing much to say at all. We are devistated for u guys and we support you come what may. We love u guys to bits BonnyClyde xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jorge, Rose...hope ur reading all these things guys, ad it's makin ye smile. Those of us that know you will always stand beside you coz you make an effort for others. Fuck the rest of 'em, they know nothing. take it easy kids andy & jax
Still fuming over the crap thats been Fabricated about these two great people who we all have to thank for facilitating us to meet other great people at the meet and greets. I've met them both a few times and Two finer individuals you won't meet. Fuck the pseudo high moral ground this 'Rag' is claiming to preech from. The site as a collective, and myself will offer you all the support you need. Makemyday0126
Rose and Jorge I have only met you on a few occasions but you are two of the nicest people on the site and you put so much effort into the meet and greets which are a great way for people to meet each other off the site. I am behind you both 100%
:clap::clap::clap: well now not much more i can say only fuck d bastards!!! full support from over here too guys... kiss:kiss::kiss:
stud n sexy it goes with out saying we feel same as every one else. its an utter disgrace and hope things work out. xxxx J & J
Page 18 Irish couple arrange parties where like minded people can meet. Page 22 The inaugeration of the president of America. At least they have their priorities straight. Fuck them studand sexy, hope ye keep the parties going kiss
I dont know Stud and sexy from adam other then chatting to them from time to time in the chat room. From what I do know you both sound completley 100% kind and gentle caring people, particulary the amount of effort you put into the meet and greets and the way people here speak of you must be 100% A1 People, you have my support 100% I didn't see the article as I wouldnt have that rag in my house, for all the reasons outlined by Slightly above. dont let the fookes get you down S&S!!
Jorge and Rose, I just want to add my voice to all the other's in telling you what wonderfull people you both are, but hell you dont need me to tell you that,I'm behind you both 110% thank you for everything :rose:
S&S... I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you guys - yet, but I hope to do so in the near future. I think you're both fab, and anyone with half an ounce of wit won't believe any of the bullshit in the 'news' paper. Keep doing what you do best, and keep smiling passionkisskiss
jorge and rose you guys are the best were with you all the way guys anything we can do you only have to ask and were there for you xxxxxxx
Not sure exactly what the story is, but Stud and Sexy are two of the most genuine people on this damn site!!!!!!!
jorge an i want to thank all of ye who supported us in this. i also want to point out a few finer points of the article. our names were true, and tat for 5 hours it was a real anniversary party. we had cakes for the cpls whose anniversary it actually it was.( not printed ) i had paid for the function earlier in the day and the money involved was to recoup tat, it was not 20 per person, (not printed correctly ) we made no money what so ever. if anything we ended up loosing money. the reporter herself wore less than most of us. she went to a private bedroom of her own accord, might i also add she was not kicking and screaming . her name was not on the list and in no way was she shy. the hotel manager and security were in the function room all nyte and know that nothing went on there. they did however stop me bringing the bottles of champagne i had brought wit the cakes into the function room as i had not bought them from their bar. i had told the manager that the money i was collecting was donations fr costs already spent. now we hav been painted as sleazy pervs. anyone that actually knows us will know tat is not true. we hav never caused any probs wit any hotel tat we hav ever been in. i hav been to weddings an 21's and *normal family or friends* party's (pmsl) tat by end of the nyte there is crowd fighting over somtin stupid or somone has copped off wit somone elses b/f, g/f, wife or hubby. somone else is gettin sick in the corner or loo. we all can rem 1 like tat. these things didnt happen. everyone conducted themselves in a very respectable manner. also nobody should be conducting a witch hunt and blaming anyone fr anything. none of us did anything wrong or illegal. this is just a total fabrication, well 99% tat is. i cannot vouch for wat went on in tat private bedroom as we were not there. but was asleep in our own room, on our own. we hav to learn to respect each others private lives. we are sorry if anyone got hurt in the process and hope it can all be forgotten quickly an we get on wit enjoying ourselves again.
sexy and stud...all I can do is applaud your dignity in what must be a very trying time to say the least or you guys..said it before saying it again..walk tall and hold head high you did not one thing wrong....big huuuuuugs...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
we would just like to add our support to both jorge and rose, they have both been wonderfull to us we find them one of the most honest an genuine cpl's on this site... :kiss from us both :rose for the lady xxx
I have met stud only,,,but speak to sexy quite a lot,,,she was one of the first to make me welcome to the site. I heard about this article and bought the paper..I read about 20/30 lines...its trash,,,both from its content and journalistic style,,,we arent talkin awards here.. I find it disgusting that a human being is so willing to so easily try to destroy the lives of people without a single thought,,but only goes to prove that this rag is just exactly that ,,,as slightly said...look at the ads they have at the back pages. My heart goes out to these people,,all they have done is try to bring fun into others lives...theres nothing illegal about what they do,,,all consenting adults in private.. If I was to give advice to these 2 wonderful people,,it would be to get your coat on,,,walk down to the nearest shops,,,heads held high,,and smile sweetly at anyone who gave them a look or comment,,,and ask do they want the swing site address to join up ??...the "high " moral attitude i see in people generally stems from a bitter and petty minded jealousy over their own boring dull and shity lives. It may be worth their while to seek legal advice on the content...invasion of privacy,,publishing pictures without consent,,and reporting incorrect facts..It mite also help take the snide smiles of the hypocrites. I wonder do they have a case for unfair dismissal... what work practices or conditions did they break,, You have us ,stud n sexy,,,to fully support you.,,to thank you for what you did in organising parties,,and also for being such nice people and such great friends,