ok, you can have five famous people at a dinner party who would they be...dead or alive.......mine are:
and what celebrity chef would you like to cook the dinner.
Oscar Wilde
William Shakespeare
Barak Obama (to deliver the soliloquys written by Wilde & Shakespear)
Pavarotti (to sing for his supper)
Mae West (to control the men)
and Rachel Allen to cook the dinner of fresh organic Irish ingredients
over to you....
Einstein ...for a bit of intelligent conversaton :taz:
Jesus Christ...I would like to know what he used to wash his hair :angel:
Jo Brand..for a good laugh :grin:
sean Connery...for his accent :fuckinghell:
The workman down the road...he's a finer:smitten:
hmmmm....well, I'd go for Heston Blumenthal as celebrity chef for sure...love his scientific approach to cooking.
As for guests......Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Nils Bohr, Max Planck, and for novelty value George W Bush (it's always good to have a mad person at a dinner party, and he's deffo mad as a fish riding a bicycle).
:Pnigella lawson so we could perv her while she slaves at the stove :doggy: then the others we like to have dinner with 1 karl marx 2neil young ,3 richard dawkins,4&5 jax and andy good guests to have anytime :smoke: feck that would be a good party :mrgreen:
Marco Pierre White knocking up the nosh, just cause he seems like such a cool no nonsense guy.
Paul O'Connell I think he's a class act and he could keep order if anyone stepped outta line and started lobbing the pavlovas.
Weird Al Yankovich...he'd surely knock up a hilarious ditty about swinging before we'd finnished the dinner.
Megan Fox...every dinner needs token eye candy.
The Inventor of the Figroll, so I could show him what real food should look like.
Oliver Reed, I'm sure he'd have stories that could curl the toes of even the most hardened swingers.