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letting off steam now

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ok 14000 childhood abuse images paid for and downloaded = 4 years suspended sentence................please ........where has justice and punishement gone ..................... made me cry today this did sorry stuck this in wrong thread
It makes me sick. Ireland is becomeing a safe haven for peadophiles. The sentances handed down are ridiculas. How are we supposed to protect our children when the law is so clearly on there side??
well said layla i know the area where that sick freak lives and there are about 6 schools in the town both primary and secondry i went to school there myself and to think with so many children in that area this freak got away scot free i know he got a suspended sentance big deal he is walking the street when if he was in another country he might have got a death sentance. justice is not right in this country the banks are being bailed out while families are being booted out of there homes and peodophiles are being left to walk the streets the sooner the people of this country stand up for our rights and for fair justice the better. it broke my heart last night to watch the late late show and see two young families who had the dream of owning there own homes and had what they tought were secure jobs only to be made redundant and now at christmas time face the prospect of being made homeless, there is no nama for these people what a disgrace.
The abusers are let walk around and if they get any hassle from the public they can run straight to the police who will protect them, while victims get no protection at all. It is not just strangers who abuse, but most of the time they get caught, what about family that abuse children? How many of those kids are going to be brave enough to speak up and have their abuser punished? It doesn't matter what an abuse victim does in this country they will be abused by the system and all the government departments just because some sick twisted person done things to them against their will. So while some of us may heal some what from our physical abuse the damage done by people who are meant to protect us will never heal.