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Let some steam off!!!

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Just as an aside here, Im rarely in the beach bar,I do most of my chatting in the back rooms.I will stay in the beach bar if theres no other mods but i always move on if there is. Its one of the reasons ppl keep saying to me, "wow slightly we aint seen ya in ages", when in reality im on most nights but in the back rooms.
MODS do tend to congregate in the Beach,
padds love reading you posts you keep this site real been here a year and i can see what you talking about . move around the rooms its more interesting that way. just getting into using the forum. once again padds keep up the good work you keep them all on their toes but in a nice way.
:beer:i never look in the forums.......:beer: 26
Woohooooo mrme in tha Forums!! :clap::happy:
26,,, Menads,,, your a busy man lmaodrinkies
Quote by user=mr-meandmywifeuk
:beer:i never look in the forums.......:beer: 26
must say I love the forums also ... like SLIGHTLY if I am in Chat it is in the backrooms ... but often there are few people chatting in them ... I assume they are whispering .... & the conversation in rooms is often inane & juvinile .... I have no problem with the slagging or double entendre , but to some it can seem a bit like a clique is in the room, ... do guys really believe you can start a conversation with "does anyone want to see my cock" ... or maybe I am just a grumpy old man :crazy::doh:
The ability too be selective in your "Edits and Quotes" has just made me look a bad person!
I would like to correct you here and post my entire comment, again!!
"MODS do tend to congregate in the Beach, but that said, that tends to be where most users sit chatting, so in essence that's why they are there and is certainly not a dig at the MODS"
Just too clarify matters!!!

Quote by user=slightlysexy
Just as an aside here, Im rarely in the beach bar,I do most of my chatting in the back rooms.I will stay in the beach bar if theres no other mods but i always move on if there is. Its one of the reasons ppl keep saying to me, "wow slightly we aint seen ya in ages", when in reality im on most nights but in the back rooms.
MODS do tend to congregate in the Beach,
I see you edited your post from the one above you posted this morning!!!! the word "Generalised" was removed?????????
I don't make " generalised" comments, I only state facts!
Not here too fight or argue with you, tbh.... I can't be arsed........
Just felt your post, with limited editing, was biased, and I felt the need to correct you, if you are going to qoute, then please include the entire text, not some selective copy and paste that deems you to be the better person!
My motto, room hop. keeps the chat interesting, whilst introducing others, to whom you may have never had the opportunity to have chatted with.
No matter what circle of life you find yourself in, the day to day work environment, Friends, "Cliques" exist.
Andy I see your point here, yes certain rooms tend to be dominated by certain people, and I may get a telling off for this but, MODS do tend to congregate in the Beach, but that said, that tends to be where most users sit chatting, so in essence that's why they are there and is certainly not a dig at the MODS.
I have got many an abusive mail from users on here about my forum posts, one most recently saying that she was bored with them.......
My response "Well fook off, don't bother reading them so! when you spend as much time in the forums as I do, and less time in the chatrooms talking shit, then I will if you will!" that same person had made to-date 4 forum posts!
I know that fellow users on site, get pissed off with me and my forum posts, I am vocal and will continue to be so, like I am now, but I am always upfront and apologise if I am in the wrong.
Chatrooms can be exceptionally boring at times, hence I ere towards the Forums....I love them... and I have met some great People through the Forums.
Getting back to Raven's post,it goes without saying that both Raven and Cutie light up the forums, infact light up the chat in general.
Andy, I as an ex-MOD see change on the site, I do beleive for the positive, yes there are certain aspects that, I myself don't like but in general, I do believe it shows ADMIN's commitment to making this the best site for the purpose we are here for!
Just my two pennies,,,,,,,
Why when u have met, shagged and spent some time with a guy, do they feel the need to stop chatting to u and treat you like a leper.....
Quote by user=irishlass37
Why when u have met, shagged and spent some time with a guy, do they feel the need to stop chatting to u and treat you like a leper.....

aww lass.. who was it ??? let me at him :sparring::sparring::sparring:
Bloody hell padds, as someone once said to me, rein your neck in a bit will you, is it possible that you’re the only person actually allowed have an opinion in here, I simple stated that I tend to chat in the back rooms,, I edited , yes, because I actually thought again about what I had wrote, its called changing your mind ,you may notice the edit was done in a 3 min time frame,, your taking issue with a word, that was on the post for all of 3,mins before I changed my mind?, I quoted the bit I was actually interested in , which I think is normal when replying to a post. For the interest of people that may be wondering what the hellish and nasty comment I edited was, what I had said was I think generalisation was wrong, wow definitely a hanging offence I reckon.
blinksillyhwoar: slightly may i be the first one to give you a whipping if its needed indeed... just thought i would offer myself for the cause..:therethere::smitten:
I always thought the edit facility was there to allow people alter the manner in which a statement, comment, or answer was given,,, Isnt that why its there....or is it me being stooopid ???
Quote by user=lucan-couple
slightly may i be the first one to give you a whipping if its needed indeed...
just thought i would offer myself for the cause..:therethere::smitten:

theres a queue !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slightly, my original post was infact a positive comment in relation to Mods not a negative. Your reply in my eyes made my post to appear the latter, hence my reply ! I just wanted fellow members to be aware of that, users know I am vocal. Thanks for replying Slightly, Padd's
:PQ......................bongo...:sparring::sparring: i baggsied first:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Quote by user=lucan-couple
i baggsied first:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

ok so...ill stand rite behind u in the queue,,,go on,,,i dare u ,,,
on second thoughts bongo i will bow too you firstiness on this onedrinkies:drinkies:
Tha cost of Semester/Term for bus fare 2 get Secondary School child 2 school for a 15-minute journey, is €150!!! Was shell-shocked when I found that out! Useta 2 be £30 4 tha school-bus when I was going to school, think it was around 50 when it changed to euro terms. I cant believe it has risen so much?? Imagine tha price of 1 full school year and that's for only 1 child!!! They have a slight concessionary rate for multiple children, but still that is serious big bucks 2 get your kids from tha front door to tha school ..... And where they get dropped off is no-where near tha fecin school, and they have to haul these big bags of books around with them plus any after-school sportsbags or musical Instruments, it's a fair distance walk on them even after paying that much money for the bus ..... Tha main bus provider would have changed their business in the last number of years too, the old-style large spacious school-buses (similar in size and shape to current city centre service buses,) have now been replaced with Private Company small tight cramped "Bingo-Event" style buses. So I dunno would I be able say things have improved ..... What's the cost of tha school-bus gonna be like in another 10 years time ..... Aw jayzus lads tha country's gone to pot al2gether .......
Friday night, BBC1 Children in Need night, some people a hell of a lot worse off than lots of chatters on this site, am amazed that in this day and age people feel justified to cyber whinge. peeps you are alive, you have your health and you need to moan? guess some people will never be happy no matter what they have.
Quote by user=Baileys
Friday night, BBC1 Children in Need night, some people a hell of a lot worse off than lots of chatters on this site, am amazed that in this day and age people feel justified to cyber whinge.
peeps you are alive, you have your health and you need to moan? guess some people will never be happy no matter what they have.

Baily's we don't know the situation ppl on this site live in so i don't think its fair to say there are ppl worse off than the chatters here as we do not know that.
And moaning and whinging are symptoms of the human condition we are all afflicted with and therefore it is only natural we moan and whinge at the slightest things. Some thing we all do at times. And it can be funrotflmao
timing belts that have to be replaced, and cos a rake of money,,,,,,,,,,, grrrrrr, :mad:
A nationwide infra structure that can't cope with rain. In a country with rain nearly every day,,,,,,,,,,, :mad:
Quote by user=ladyzaza
Tha cost of Semester/Term for bus fare 2 get Secondary School child 2 school for a 15-minute journey, is €150!!! Was shell-shocked when I found that out! Useta 2 be £30 4 tha school-bus when I was going to school, think it was around 50 when it changed to euro terms. I cant believe it has risen so much?? Imagine tha price of 1 full school year and that's for only 1 child!!! They have a slight concessionary rate for multiple children, but still that is serious big bucks 2 get your kids from tha front door to tha school ..... And where they get dropped off is no-where near tha fecin school, and they have to haul these big bags of books around with them plus any after-school sportsbags or musical Instruments, it's a fair distance walk on them even after paying that much money for the bus .....
Tha main bus provider would have changed their business in the last number of years too, the old-style large spacious school-buses (similar in size and shape to current city centre service buses,) have now been replaced with Private Company small tight cramped "Bingo-Event" style buses. So I dunno would I be able say things have improved .....
What's the cost of tha school-bus gonna be like in another 10 years time .....
Aw jayzus lads tha country's gone to pot al2gether .......

I know zaza!! My brother is in Leaving Cert and I couldnt BELIEVE the cost of the bus for him for the year!!! It costs !! When I was in school, it only cost for the year. Crazy money in my opinion..
Anna that €150 is for JUST ONE Term !!!! Mega bucks ere!! It's like the way some Companies are chargin their staff to park in their Car-parks now!! Un-believable!! Don't get me started on the price of Public Car-parks! In fairness there's an odd really good place with excellent day rates, but most are pretty un-necessarily dear for a couple of hours!!
The main reason the cost of school buses is what it is now, most likely is due to the fact that the company's have higher rates of insurance,fuel costs, up keep of buses, wages to pay to drivers, D.O.E, tax for a large number of buses, repairs to interiors of buses,the list goes on and on,in an industry that is badly affected by the recession and due to the level of tourist dropping, they have to ensure they meet the costs of all of the above and can not do that if they charge prices from two years ago never mind ten. A lot of very good coach and bus company's have had to sell up due to lack of work, making a lot of good drivers unemployed. Like every business they have to be able to keep running if possible and if it means a price hike within reason they have to do it. And personally if i knew my child was getting to school safely in a well maintained bus driven by a professional with proper insurance i would beg borrow or steal the money to pay for it.
Bravo, Raven safety is priority. That said I do understand where ZaZa is coming from. Now lets get back too me chasing you. RAVEN X X
Quote by user=ravenfire
The main reason the cost of school buses is what it is now, most likely is due to the fact that the company's have higher rates of insurance,fuel costs, up keep of buses, wages to pay to drivers, D.O.E, tax for a large number of buses, repairs to interiors of buses,the list goes on and on,in an industry that is badly affected by the recession and due to the level of tourist dropping, they have to ensure they meet the costs of all of the above and can not do that if they charge prices from two years ago never mind ten. A lot of very good coach and bus company's have had to sell up due to lack of work, making a lot of good drivers unemployed.
Like every business they have to be able to keep running if possible and if it means a price hike within reason they have to do it.
And personally if i knew my child was getting to school safely in a well maintained bus driven by a professional with proper insurance i would beg borrow or steal the money to pay for it.
I know where she is coming from too but like everything in this country they have to hike the prices to stay in business. Ok Padds i`m off againbolt
was just amazed at the hike in the price........... is all..... bolt:bolt::bolt::bolt::bolt: