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Let some steam off!!!

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Sex God
Femme...well I never blink, I am shocked :-o... you send filty whispers :P... and you seem such a nice lady :evil2: Filty whispers ...what type of a site do you think this is ... we are all good god fearing people on here :giggle: Whisper me sometime ... I promise not to be shocked ...:lol2: but know what you mean easy to forget your in whisper mode
Sex God
My rant: E-FLOW. . . Having spent over half an hour yesterday on hold waiting too pay for a south bound trip on the M50 I am told the charge will be €6 as opposed to €3 as I had miss the 8pm next day deadline! It was only 8:40pm now some may know that I am not a man to give in easily after a further 40 mins of arguing and moving up the ranks of employees at same company i had to concede. . . Grr
Sex God
having paid 600 million for the bridge you would think we could use it free of charge ...but it is yet another govt money making scheme... Padds does your local shop not offer a pay facility for the M50...lots around here do.
Warming the Bed
What annoys me the most is idiot drivers who don't indicate when they should do, those who don't say thanks when you let them past and those who jump queues. After spending 15 mins patiently waiting for a space this morning in a car park in town i eventually spotted someone about to pull out of theirs. So i pulled down nearer to them and sat with my indicator on. just as they were pulling out along came another car and attempted to steal my space. After a lot of arm flapping and beeping he eventually gave up and moved away. Do people think we queue for the good of our health? oh and bloody sofa companies! sofa less than 8 months old has the dye wearing off, parts of the leather is cracking and bits falling off the bottom. according to the company technician this is all just general wear and tear!:boxing::sparring:banghead
shybutwilling "Wear an Tear" Could that not be construed as a good complaint :doggy::doggy::clap:innocent
Sex God
ignornant customers who come to my checkout talking on their cell phone....fling their groceries at me .....still talking on phone.....ignore my friendly greeting....still on phone.......throw their money at me .....still fact ignore my very existance as I pack their groceries as not to disturb their obviously very important conversation and then loudly comment to their phone caller that the conduct of the staff in our shop leaves something to be desired...........feck feck feck feck.........................ignorant people make my blood boil and not in a good way lol xxxx anny
Warming the Bed
play them at their own game,keep interupting with silly questions,and when they ask what u want ............tell them its all right..........wait another 20/40 secs tell them the bill amt and add on € 25-00 that will get their attention
"one size fits all"
:fury: :fury: it does bloody not , grrrrrr
Sex God
Oh I dont know Slightly works with some things !!!!!!!!!! boink :taz:
Sex God
Quote by user=slightlysexy
"one size fits all"
:fury: :fury: it does bloody not , grrrrrr

Mine does:lol2:
Master of Sex
titan love tat at the end of every thing u say i get a mention "the little PIGGY lol lol
Sex God
Politicians expenses & yet they wont innoculate young girls against the possibility of cervical cancer
Sex God
The site time messers,the ghost whisperers and abusers of those on camera .... all should be strung up by their balls .... but I forgot :doh: they dont have any Balls rotflmao:taz:
Sex God
Halloween isn't over yet & the shops are promoting Christmas ... my credit card is still trying to get over the summer excess ...
Sex God
Bloody Disco lights on cars like ffs banghead I thought blue car lights were banned or something were they not?!? :taz::borg:
Master of Sex
Lying bastards and game players.......wont explain ....the ppl invoved know who i am refering to.................... lass
Master of Sex
lol zaza ty hun....Bad mood over with and normal service ressumed lol
Quote by user=irishlass37
Lying bastards and game players.......wont explain ....the ppl invoved know who i am refering to....................

Have to agree with you lass and also include the game players who try to drag others into their stupid and dangerous games on the pretence of being friends, but that friendship window has now ............. closedsad
Sex God
Irish huge hugggggggg and xxxxxxxxx Remember the old saying hun, what goes around comes around?, lets keep smilingsmile
Master of Sex
Layla huge hugs hun...........Who said being grown ups was easy lol......Only difference is we are looked at like idiots when we scream and kick on the floor lol lol ..... Revenge is.............very enjoyable lol
Master of Sex
Minxy my friend Thats true ............ revenge is............heaven lol
Sex God
We all let steam off, from time to time xx is it not Natural?
Quote by user=irishlass37
Minxy my friend
Thats true ............
revenge is............heaven lol
Sex God
Let Some Steam Off! - Well here goes!!! Why do people bother to spend time chatting over a number of weeks, then build up to a meet, then DO NOT SHOW! or even email a reason for it? I when I arrange to meet, always follow through, If I can't I will inform the other Party/Parties that I can't well in advance. Right, that's my rant over with. I do hope the member in question reads this. Padd's
:sparring:OMG padds same here spent weeks in priv wit a guy an on phone ......... now ffs hes not sure :sparring::sparring::taz::taz::taz::taz::taz:
:mad:why do people not reply to yr txt mesgs ?so rude:mad::fury::fury:
Sex God
irishlass37: So 'snap' or tic tac toe are out of the question?.. even some naked twister?.. I love games, Guess yee all arent of the same persuasiondunno Playfull: Hun the same guys are all talk and you will start to figure them out after a while. Its the quiet ones you have to look out for..poke 2. They could be at work, they could have no credit, They might just be trying to think up a good reply and you have stumped them with yer last tex....or...and this mainly the case...they might be using the 'keep her hanging or a few hours, she'll just implode with orgasmic delight when her phone beep's, seeing I have replied' Method.
Sex God
There is always email!!!!
Quote by user=Titan79
irishlass37: So 'snap' or tic tac toe are out of the question?.. even some naked twister?.. I love games, Guess yee all arent of the same persuasiondunno
Hun the same guys are all talk and you will start to figure them out after a while. Its the quiet ones you have to look out for..poke
2. They could be at work, they could have no credit, They might just be trying to think up a good reply and you have stumped them with yer last tex....or...and this mainly the case...they might be using the 'keep her hanging or a few hours, she'll just implode with orgasmic delight when her phone beep's, seeing I have replied' Method.
...they might be using the 'keep her hanging or a few hours, she'll just implode with orgasmic delight when her phone beep's, seeing I have replied' Method.

Titan your my guru 39 years and I'm still learning :lol
On the more personal note though.... Steam is going from my ears as I'm driving round Galway all day today weather is awful and still half of the cars has no lights at all and less then 1 per ten uses indicators ...