Think the snow has ruined my plans for tonight :upset:
Yea have little faith sparks its melting here all ready :-)
Ah ladys i get petrol for me helicopter and fly up and rescue yea both from the snow couldnt have you two sexy ladys snowed in for the weekend.
I can't get into tha Chatroom at all 4 tha last 20 minutes ffffsssss ...
why do children feel the need to pull the decorations off the tree and then eat them???? i want a tree that hangs from the ceiling out of reach of little hands and mouths
hungover, grrrrr, I shouldn't drink beer
Would be damn nice for some people to practice what they effin preach.
:laughabove: Takes one to know one eh.. :giggle:
FFS you're supposed to be A D U L T S - Act like Adults -
and you just might - M I G H T - get what you're looking for here!!!
Apologies for shouting - some people really are the limit!!!!
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
It's okay, I've calmed down now - Thank Heaven for the Jacuzzi!