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Let some steam off!!!

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Quote by user=ding
If the chopper is grounded I be drilling holes in the Walls of the house with me mentally prepared willie :taz:

Ive a few pictures than need hanging ding your more than welcome to drill a few holes here lol
Think the snow has ruined my plans for tonight :upset:
Yea have little faith sparks its melting here all ready :-)
Ah ladys i get petrol for me helicopter and fly up and rescue yea both from the snow couldnt have you two sexy ladys snowed in for the weekend.
Quote by user=Kitten28
Yea have little faith sparks its melting here all ready :-)

Thats the spirit .....
Quote by user=Kitten28
If the chopper is grounded I be drilling holes in the Walls of the house with me mentally prepared willie :taz:

Ive a few pictures than need hanging ding your more than welcome to drill a few holes here lol
Kitten if you ever need any drilling done over in yours and Ding aint available feel free to call me, drilling is one of my specialities 8)
Quote by user=justforfun10
open d valves
...your central heating airlocked?....
I can't get into tha Chatroom at all 4 tha last 20 minutes ffffsssss ... :kick::kick::kick:
Quote by user=zaza
I can't get into tha Chatroom at all 4 tha last 20 minutes ffffsssss ...

a :kick: for zaza :giggle: cuz she is anwering all the forums after me and taking down my name :lol2: biggrin kiss
why do children feel the need to pull the decorations off the tree and then eat them???? i want a tree that hangs from the ceiling out of reach of little hands and mouths
hungover, grrrrr, I shouldn't drink beer
Am wondering how, when the councils have allegedly fully stocked up on grit and salt, the roads can be so bad. No sign of any grit, salt, or snow ploughs anywhere near here the last 4 days. Practically trapped in the house with a foot of snow outside. Roads are like a flippin skating rink, and husband wrote off the car in ice on the motorway on Friday. So dangerous, and yet it appears feck all is being done to try and improve the situation :fury::mad:dunnobanghead
Would be damn nice for some people to practice what they effin preach.
They haven't stocked up Shaven dunno They're coverin their asses. That's nowhere near stockin up. They're leavin out some roads to be gritted. That's just ridiculous, and the best of the rest of the Irish playin at their usual sh1te. Hope Mr. S. is okay, :rose:kiss I nearly went over tha othr side of tha road meself las week n that bad patch before tha snow hit! Had came all tha way down from Galway city safely, until I came 2 tha very last stretch of road, an' me house was in sight n' all too lol :uhoh: and I jus skidded all ovr tha place. Ther was a car comin towards me too but thankfully they wer far enuff away not 2 come any closer. Dunno what I would hav done if they did?! :-?:O
Country roads r a bitch too. :kick::kick:
But hope Mr. S. is okay, it's kinda scary. :kiss:
People who wont shutttttttttttttt upppppppppppppppppppppppp :fury:banghead:boxing:
Ooppsies apologies Appleyyy!!!! :-o:uhoh:biggrin:grin::grin::grin:
Quote by user=zaza
Ooppsies apologies Appleyyy!!!! :-o:uhoh:biggrin:grin::grin::grin:

OMG zaza :rose: feck off ya wagon :evil2: as if id mean u :upset:kiss
:smug::giggle: I kno we is Wagons United really Appley. kiss:rose: :happy:
:laughabove: Takes one to know one eh.. :giggle:
FFS you're supposed to be A D U L T S - Act like Adults -
and you just might - M I G H T - get what you're looking for here!!!
Apologies for shouting - some people really are the limit!!!!

:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:
:fury: :taz:

It's okay, I've calmed down now - Thank Heaven for the Jacuzzi!
:laughabove: Awwhh Marie :rose: whoever pissed u off must be some loon :grin: Its hard to piss off our wee marie rotflmao kiss
Awhhh thanks Worship passionkiss
It was more a case of - "not this sh*te, again" - than a 'p*ssing-off'.

Damn Timewasters:fury::fury: banghead
Quote by user=Amberx
Damn Timewasters:fury::fury: banghead

god damn fools to do what I'm inferring they did to you
Quote by user=Amberx
Damn Timewasters:fury::fury: banghead

Quote by user=discreetbuddy
god damn fools to do what I'm inferring they did to you

It's what they didnt do that I need help with :devil: :lol2:
Shite Internet Providers banghead