sorry my bad wrong area thanks mate!
needs to either learn how to keep her mouth shut......or realise that there are somethings people just dont want to know!!!
Guns N Roses concert anyone?
So Glad I reneged on an offer to attend this farce last night.
As a Fan of the Band in the good Ol days, before Rose got greedy and decided he preferred a self led tribute act, I have to say the guy showed nothing but contempt for the fans, and going by the track record of this tour, Leeds, reading etc I feel sorry for the people that went and were subjected to this clowns antics.
Duff, Slash, Izzy and Rob must be pissing themselves laughing.
I work with a bunch of dopes, I just know when I walk into work I'm going to have to do absolutely everything and I'm working till 7pm on a Friday night. So so unfair ;-(
Discovering I got charged TWICE for staying in a particular hotel last Saturday night, ffs!
:laughabove: Cur, did u have twice the fun???:rascal::rascal::rascal:
:fury::fury::fury: FAMILIES :fury::fury::fury:
Sleep deprivation :crazy::giveup::O:yawn::yawn:
It's Monday morning. Another weekend over too quickly, don't think I need to say anymore!
I've just had the most bizzare sensation ever in here....and I really dont like how I feel.....
Racism In Ireland:
Yes its alive and well. Had to attend a meeting yesterday in Dublin city centre. I couldnt park where I had to be so I parked in Tallaght and got the bus in. Had to get the bus back to Tallaght, and there was a black guy driving the bus. On a number of occasions he had to get on his intercom to tell people upstairs to stop smoking. You could hear the scum upstairs smoking shout down to the lower deck in their elongated speech saying "its out its out". As we got near to Tallaght, this guy came down from the top deck so he could get off the bus. As the doors opened he quickly turned to the driver, spat at him and called him "a dirty N word". Luckily there was a glass partition between the driver and this piece of uneducated spitting scum.
Firstly, this guy spits at the driver and then has the gall to call him dirty.
Secondly, this is not the only recent encounter I have had with racism, but it is the latest. When will we Irish realise that there is more good than bad arriving in this small minded country of ours? We tar everyone from a certain race with the same brush. The Nigerians are fraudsters and womanisers, the Muslims are terrorists, the Chinese are taking over the country, the Bosnians are war criminals. This kind of thinking really has to stop.
To these people who act and think in such a retarded way, I ask you this;
When the child or grandchild of one of these immigrants plays soccer for Ireland in years to come, and scores the winning goal for us in some major tournament, will you cheer his / her name? Yes you will.
When the child or grandchild of an African immigrant takes gold in track and field for Ireland in the Olympics in 20 odd years from now will you cheer for them and be proud of them as an Irish athlete? My guess is you will.
If you or your offspring needed a kidney or blood transfusion to live through the night and the only person available to donate it was an immigrant of different colour to you would you take it or watch your child die? I’m going out on a limb here but again my guess would be you would take the offer straight away to save yourself or your child.
Certain people only see skin deep and do not realise the amount of good that this influx of nationalities has for our small, church controlled island. Please remember that in 1984 it was an Irishman who was disgusted by a BBC news report, and who called his mates to get something done about what had disgusted him. Within a month, he had produced the fastest selling single in history at that time, and in the end they did know it was Christmas time. Within six months the same Irishman had organised the biggest concert in global history, which was simulcast around the world. And just to note, Ireland gave the largest donations per capita for that cause. That means per person, us Irish gave more than any other country in the world. Now there is our true nature. What has happened since then? We got wealthy, and as my mother always said "A full belly never thinks of an empty one".
Has anyone been down Parnell St lately? This area has become Dublin's international culture area. It’s vibrant, with different races and customs. And the smells from all those international restaurants and shops. I never knew that food could be made to be so tempting. Cabbage & potatoes eat your heart out. You have been relegated. I'll have some Indonesian, or some Afro-Caribbean, or maybe some Lebanese or Korean cuisine.
You see, there is a lot more to these people that meets the eye. Fear and ignorance is the biggest hindrance to us Irish progressing as a people.
I for one am glad they chose our shores as a place to settle and raise their families. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that the Irish landed in Ellis Island looking for a better future for themselves and their children.
Thanks Dora.
Thankfully i am not one of those who announce looking for big fanfare that they are leaving ONLY to return a short time later.
I was merely busy with live and was letting the forums take a back seat while my now :rose:wife:inlove: went about getting our marriage organised.
lol...... well said
And congrats on the wedding
I burnt my finger and it hurtssssssssssssss :upset:
I had interview for course yesterday and applied for my btea yesterday letter this morning to say I was approved for my btea...
my brother applied for btea yesterday too, him with his course place offer....was told 1000's waiting and no idea when his would come through.....and we both went into same social welfare office.....whats with that?????
i was in a chat room to day when a lady was on cam the lady in question is a beautiful looking lady putting on a show for lots to see and there was one male in there who was the most obnoxious get who was rude and was making really racial remarks which was not called for i am so sorry for the lady in question i hope it will never happen again to anylady or man on the site bonns
They should be barred. Idiotic retarded racist pigs like him should be barred for life. I hope you are reading this you racist pig. Thats if you arent illiterate.