ok i was asked not to get up set as some one was going to tell me some thing so i said i wont well it is sad in one sence and funny in another well here goes i was told that the clyde was surpose to have done something with some one on site which is funny as we were all at the same party and in the same room havinging fun but anyone who knows clyde knows how he is a true gent so the so called people who say they are friends who have big mouths and have not got a clue how to behave them selves at parties or meet and greets if u need so make up stories or have a problem with bonnyclyde just be upfront and HONEST and come talk to us instead of back bitting or better still come have a drink in our company and see how we as a couple treat each other and Respect each other and the most Important thing how we Love each other. I am sick and tired of people thinking they can run there mouths off when they dont even know us i been on this site 4 years and the true friends i have made are fab but a few call them selves friends are not . just be up front and say to our faces what you want to say not behind our backs I THINK WHAT IS BEEN SAID ABOUT CLYDE IS SO FUNNY REAL FUNNY SO DOES HE ANYONE WHO REALLY KNOWS HIM AND MET HIM AND BEEN IN HIS COMPANY WILL LAUGH AT WHAT YOU OUR SO CALLED FRIENDS ARE SAYING . LOVE TO ALL THE TRUE FRIENDS ON HERE FROM THE BONNS AS YOU CAN SEE THE BONNS IS A LITTLE PISSED OFF AT THE MOMENT
Sorry my rant over
love bonns
well what can we say the bons and clyde are 2 of the most genuine people on site very few here know them as true friends. They open their home for the best private parties we were ever to all no matter what shape size or preference are welcome, we have given them a hand with them. As for clyde he is a gent and a charmer. As one says what happens on tour stays on tour.
People should be careful what they say about others on site as it always comes back to bite you.
mary gerry
Ok bear with me......i have a lot of steam to let off.....
Mail from up in various forms time and time again in the forums and in chat.....what women like and what we dont...
I love confident men....but detest arrogance.
Typical example:
RE: Master's here...(firstly......who;s master...certainly not mine)
Wow! Whoever said anything bout what works or not. Here to get laid, and yes, like-minded ppl will see a mail for what it is - a simple communication tool, nothing more, nothing less.
BTW, less drama always pays. U never know who it is you'd be fucking next. Good luck to u too!
on 23/08/2010 16:29 desdemona wrote:
that email doesnt work with me....nor do i think it'll work with the majority of women on here....good luck!
on 23/08/2010 16:25 (username deleted) wrote:
Will love to pin u down and fuck u for an entire night with my massive cock until u come over and over again. I will own it.
Check my profile and just let me know when and where. x Larry (there was phone number attached here but i deleted it too)
this was received from someoen who is a member this past month!!!
cracked an alloy wheel on a pothole have 2 get the feckin thing welded now
people that can't keep things to themselves :O
I hate (well maybe not hate, as hating requires energy, something we dont waste on these people) our nosey neighbours. They are so fake waving at us with smiles as we drive by, but all the while they just gossip and backbite (not only about us, but also about the other neighbours who arent there at the time the gossiping goes on). All that clicky crap they do. We ignore it though, and never get into conversations with them about other neighbours who arent there. I suppose because we live in the arsehole of nowhere with no leisure centres and things that they are just bored and their lives are so grey that they have to gossip about others to pass the time of day. God could you imagine if they found out about us two being swingers? We would be branded as the sex maniacs or something like that.
:laughabove:but you are lmao:thrilled:
ever want to tell some people to just fuck right off with themselves???
And who would that be KK? Anyone we know?
jaysus alicolwic, ya wanna c da neighbours round my parents, just like yours only worse kinda ppl you,d love 2 go postal on, and kk i get that feelin several times a day gonna get the words printed on a few tshirts to save me the effort of repeating myself
ppl that park in a car park space iv paid for, there should be a special level of hell reserved just for them and their bleeding punto , :fury::fury::fury:
brake fluid works wonderfully in those kinda sitiuations slightly:devil:
feckin radiator in d car let go 2day after me crackin an alloy wheel earlier dis week - plenty of steam let off so there was and thats just the car
pmsl you're not having a good car week Alt
got de wheel welded for 20 quid bit of chemical metal should fix da radiator recession is the mother of invention
Let some steam off? Ok so dont mind if I do
Bono: Now here is a guy who thinks he is the saviour of the world. Jesus Christ re-incarnated. He gets his big mallet head in everywhere. Meetings with Obama, Mandela, Merkel, Sarkozy, Kofi Annan and why? He's not a politician, he's a rock singer who thinks he can heal rifts and long standing prejudices. I really cant stand this asshole who preaches that we should give to charity. Listen you self important little shit, I give to charity, I also do work for a couple of charities in the greater Dublin Area, and last but not least, I pay taxes in this country, not like you Bono. You and the rest of your asshole band members moved your "Business Model" to Holland to avoid paying tax. You were not happy with the tax free status in regards of your music artistry, no you had to be greedy and didnt want to pay taxes on your proerties and businesses here in Ireland, so off to Holland you went. I will never pay for a U2 album or single again, there is always filesharing. So hope you feel important hanging around the UN Building, because back home here in Ireland, us real Irish people are finally seeing you for what you are, a legalised tax cheating, attention seeking, self important shite. When you finally start paying your taxes here in Ireland, maybe then I will listen to to your diatribe, but only listen, not treat it like gospel, as you prefer people to do. Now if only Mark Chapman was allowed out of prison for a day......
Rant over. Now I feel like a swim. Where's my towel....
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
Bout time someone said it!!!!!!!!
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
:clap:very very good well said :clap::clap::clap:
if people would just get on and let things be!!
Tatts buddy, I think you are looking for the If Only thread, this is the Let Some Steam Off Thread