wasps. The feckers are everywhere, and i hate them.
Thank you alan i needed that rant ha ha
pissy arseholes who think there more important than you by saying "do you know who i am" wankbags!
Lego blocks & stickle bricks on the floor ... not good for bare feet ...:thumbup:
Alan....i kinda like stickle bricks :crazy:
But agree with you on the lego front......that and standing on the plug to my hairdryer...ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Mother nature arriving when soooo not wanted.....cant she feckin make up her mind and keep with the schedule!!!!!!!!
No offence to anyone who is sick but, when in the doctor's waiting room I really do not want a blow by blow account of some strangers ailments , surgeries etc ................
waiting to hear back from people who say oohhh i will be in touch to let you know!!
Feckers that abuse women on cam... what the fook thrill do they get ... :crazy::doh:
they shud have their balls cut off ...:taz::taz::taz:
my rant is that i have to say good byed to a good friend on site who i will miss i am sad
im soooooooooooooooo outraged at the moment........:fury:
ive asked a mod wud this tread be ok to post and they said they wudnt see why not!!!!...
i met a lad through here few months back.. fell for his charm and all that goes with it.. not only was i conned out of money by him but made a complete fool to fall for his outrageous stories..
he was a friend so i thought nothing wrong with helping him out...how wrong was i.. all the things he has told me over the last few months ive found out to be all utter bull..
now ive asked for my money back more than enough times over last few months and all i get is "i cant afford it"....HAHAHA he really thinks im gonna let this go he has another thing coming..he had the cheek to tell me today to bring him to court...i know ill get mixed comments on this.. but i just wanted to let ye lovely ladies know not to fall for his :censored: stories.. he cant keep gettin away with this.:fury:
and yes i know im the bigger fool for giving him money
Mis-Information!!!! :taz::taz::taz::taz::taz::taz::taz:
Why do some people think that passing on rumours and lies is Okay - in anyone's book? Especially when the fooking information is WRONG!!!
When it's to do with no-one but those involved, then anyone else should keep their fecking noses and gossiping idle mouths/hands out of it!!!!
It was during the War that the saying "Loose Lips Sink Ships" but my God!!! Around here it's going to get someone strung up by the short-and-curlies one of these days - and it's the fault of the gossips who know less than half a story and think it's cool to make up the other feckin' half!!!
The next person I find talking out of school about my business will find themselves sent to Coventry - with no remission or parole!!
Some people just need drama in their lives and we have to hear about it! I'd rather not!!!
And I need a holiday but can't get time off work ggrrrr
2 weeks some fecker was back in the country and not once did he even make a 2 mins phonecall to someone who idolises him......gggrrrrrrrr
MY BOSS GRRRRRRRRRRR :wank::wank::wank::wank::wank::wank::wank:
Stoopid poxy wonky Avatars.
No they're not actually. I'm as white as snow sorry 2 hav 2 say! :undecided: Whiter than white!!:uhoh:
I'm mad again now bou my other Avatar that wouldn't display right! Grrr I shouldn't have came in ere!
getting the....blood is thicker than water talk....ggrrrrrrrr