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Let some steam off!!!

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Sorry to hear your news LadyZaza - there'll be a new waggy-tail on the Rainbow Bridge tonight
am sorry to hear about your little dog lady he will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge brightest blessings xxx anny
Zaza hun that is such sad news, my heartfelt sympathy on your loss as a dog can mean as much as a human to some people xxxx
Raven hun am so sorry to hear about your loss *even though we can no longer hear the wild bird singing if we listen with our hearts we will always hear its song* brightest blessings in love and in light xxxxxxxxxxdragonstar
Dragon thank you so much that was very touching xxxx
people who feel thay have a right to judge you on the hearsay of others, people who feel that its ok to discuss information with third parties when it is none of their business in the first place
Do you ever get the feeling that you are invisible. Was in chatrooms last night and despite repeated hello rooms no response from anyone. Now i know that lots were at meet and greet and were busy regaling all about it but some of us dont get on with the mods and for this reason dont go to meet and greets. Anyway rant over back to real life unfortunately. CAN ANYONE SEE ME!!!!!!!!!
aww mulder :therethere: i see ya kiss and im sure ya know well enough by now what the chat rooms are like.... :giveup::giggle:
Right Mr M what are we doing tonite. Same thing we do every night Mrs M "Try to take over the world"
Did someone just post a blank entry?
Sorry - couldn't resist the giggle
Quote by user=muldernTcell
Right Mr M what are we doing tonite.
Same thing we do every night Mrs M
"Try to take over the world"
Marie, I couldn't either earlier:giggle::giggle::giggle:
Oh Ha bloody Ha to you both. Must remember spanking for you both next time we meet. Now back to taking over the world
oooooooooooooooooh a DS can't wait:smoke:
Mothers thinking just because you call a truce with your brother for your fathers funeral that we will play happy familys....not a chance:taz:
getting called into work on a day off & not even on over-time pay...:taz:
Tha Einstein who placed an Ad. lookin 4 Staff leavin his Mobile No. 2 apply. On phoning and leaving several voicemails (but not too much as didn't want to appear obnoxious,) finally got him on the phone today, and he told me the job was gone. :undecided::undecided: When I asked him when was the Position filled he said a couple of days ago but sure I 've been tryin to get hold of him before that!! Me thinks he's a liar n may not hav had a job vacant at all?! This is tha kinda :fuckinghell: that tha un-employed are up against now .... rolleyes:roll: Some Application procedure and protocol this man must use ....... :roll::roll:
Quote by user=ladyzaza
Tha Einstein who placed an Ad. lookin 4 Staff leavin his Mobile No. 2 apply.
On phoning and leaving several voicemails (but not too much as didn't want to appear obnoxious,) finally got him on the phone today, and he told me the job was gone. :undecided::undecided:
When I asked him when was the Position filled he said a couple of days ago but sure I 've been tryin to get hold of him before that!! Me thinks he's a liar n may not hav had a job vacant at all?! This is tha kinda :fuckinghell: that tha un-employed are up against now ....
Some Application procedure and protocol this man must use .......

I Know exactly what ya mean zaza shit like that has happened 2 me a few times over the last few weeks...drives ya fuckin mental
Idiots in a nice chatroom that start talking about leather clad wearing......... when asked to explain his comments, the reply was:
haha it meens gay men guy come on like
I doubt there where any leather clad anyone in the room.
What a complete TOSSER... offended a few
People who will use any one or any thing to get there own way no matter who they hurt.
Quote by user=ravenfire
People who will use any one or any thing to get there own way no matter who they hurt.

You know Raven I couldn't agree with you more on that comment, and can I just add those who use the medium of a forum to hurt someone is even more dispicable in my opinion, it smacks of pure bad manners and bad taste..
Imagine people using the forum threads to their own advantage ... & then have other people fell sorry for them
Quote by user=Virgogirl
and can I just add those who use the medium of a forum to hurt someone is even more dispicable in my opinion, it smacks of pure bad manners and bad taste..
Imagine people using the forum threads to their own advantage ... & then have other people fell sorry for them

No didn't work Alan-Ball, just embarassing really..... and sad........
Trying to use the forum to your own advantage does not work. Believe me I have tried and tried and tried ad infinitum!!!!!!
The gimp at tha Hospital that told my mother this week that they "found something" in her bloods, she rang back the following day to be told they made a mistake, and it was clear!! Now I know there deffo is something wrong wit my mum, they could have just been tryin to fob her off and be vague for a bit till they are certain, and I know even Doctors are human, but "I'm afraid it's bad news," and "We found something," aren't to be taken too lightly. But was just astonished and gobsmacked, - it's amazing how can just go from nothing to "finding something" back to being clear "just like that" lol!! Thas tha way it goes shure. For 1 moment lol her life was your regular average getting on with things one, then turned upsidedown then back to an appreciative grateful if a little hesitant normal life again!! :-/
Tha wagon that pulled up to our driveway this morning and proceeded to steal our flowers lol !!!!! She leaned in through the fences and pulled out a load of Daffodils leaving just 2 YES 2!!!! Then drove off again not a bother on her!! Tha cheek!! After all tha time n effort n work me poor mammy puts in to her gardening for her few flowers to be stolen!
Quote by user=muldernTcell
Trying to use the forum to your own advantage does not work.
Believe me I have tried and tried and tried ad infinitum!!!!!!

But Mulder you are the king of the forumsboink
And for that Raven you are queen of my heart for at least 30 seconds However I dont believe in monarchy and a poster is only as good as his last shag. The King is dead long live the king
Quote by user=muldernTcell
However I dont believe in monarchy

Neither do i :thrilled:
And if a poster is only as good as their last shag..i am a fecking legend:thrilled: